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发布时间:2021-02-02 23:09:12


[名] military hardware;
Nuclear weapons will play a less prominent part in NATO's armoury in the future

Ⅱ 鸦片战争里中英武器装备各是什么











Ⅲ 我国现役各式战机的型号有谁能比较全面的介绍一下以及三军武器装备的英文简称对应的中文名






Ⅳ 求一篇武器装备的英文介绍

M82 Barrett Sniper Rifle

M82 巴雷特 狙击 步枪

Barrett Firearms developed the M82 Barrett rifle. It has been deployed in many different units and armies all over the world. The M82 has a nickname known as the "Light Fifty" because of the 50. Calibers BMG (12.7mm) load.

M82 Barrett Sniper Rifle Proction History

The founder of Barrett Firearms is Ronnie Barrett. The company was established for the sole purpose of creating weaponry, which would use the 50. BMG ammunition - developed for use in the M2 machine guns. The development of the Barrett started in the 1980s. The first ever-working Barrett rifle was ready for Military use in 1982, hence the weapon name M82.

M82A1 Sniper Rifle

Over the years after the first M82 Barrett, the development of the more effective and improved M82A1 rifle was in 1986. The real success of the rifle was the selling of around 110 M82A1 rifles to the Swedish Military in 1989. The M82A1 had massive success around 1990, when the United States Military brought significant numbers for Desert Shield and Desert Storm in the Middle East.

There were about 120 Barret Sniper Rifles sold to the United States Marine Corps initially, soon followed by orders from United States Army, along with orders from the Air Force.SASRis what the United States Army call the M82A1.

Barrett M82 Sniper Rifle

Barrett M82 (Black Version)

Barrett M82 Sniper Rifle

M82 Sniper Rifle Range and Ammunition

The M82A1 has an effective long range, which is over 1500m and a recorded range of 2500m. The M82A1 ammunition ranges from the highly effectiveAPIor the Raufoss MK 211, with high energy, this allowed very effective operation success for taking out radar stations, vehicles, parked planes and so on.

The main role of the M82 is to disable armoured vehicles, but the M82 could be used in taking out infantry soldiers from stand off positions or against targets situated behind walls.

M82 Weapon Variants

There are two variants of the M82, the first being the M82A1 (along with the A3), and the bullpup M82A2. Although the M82A1 is sadly no longer in proction, the XM500 has been moulded the spiritual predecessor. This also employs the bullpup configuration.

M82 Sniper Rifle: Law Enforcement Usage

Over the years the Barrett M82 has been bought by many military and law enforcement organisations from over 30 countries, these range from Belgium, China, Norway, the United Kingdom, and many more. As the M82 is an effective weapon for disabling vehicles in high-speed pursuits, the United States Coastguard use the M82 in drug interdictions. The NYPD have also acquired the Barrett M82 for their high speed vehicle pursuits. One shot to an engine block will disable the vehicle straight away.


Type Sniper Rifle

Place of Origin United States of America

Service History

In Service 1989-

Used by Malaysia (Special Forces Group), U.S., Norway, United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Israel and others

Wars Gulf War, Iraq War, Afghan War

Proction History

Designed 1980

Procted Malaysia (Special Forces Group), U.S., Norway, United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Israel and others

Number Built Unknown


Weight 31 lb

Length 48 or 57 inches (121.9 or 144.8 cm)

Barrel length 737 mm (29in)

Cartridge 12.7 X 99 mm NATO

Caliber 12.7 mm (.510 in)

Action Recoil operation, rotating bolt

Rate of fire Semi-automatic

Muzzle velocity 853 m/s

Effective Range 1,800 m (2,000 yd

Feed Systems 10rd box magazine


Ⅳ WOW装备级别用英文如何表达


Ⅵ 中国武器代号中的英文什么意思像PBZ.PLZ

都是取拼音首字母 或者其中一个字母
比如ZTZ-99 Zhǔ Tǎn Zhuāng 主战坦克装甲车
还有ZBL09 是装甲-步兵战车-轮式
PLZ05 是火炮-榴弹-自行


H 海军
K 空军
P 第二炮兵
T 国防科委航天
B 装备保障设备


Ⅶ DotA里所有物品的英文名称

强袭装甲 Assault Cuirass

希瓦之看守保护 Shiva's Guard

刃甲 Blade Mail

魔龙之心 Heart of Tarrasque

血精石 Bloodstone

镇魂石 Soul Booster

黑皇杖 Black King Bar

林肯法球 Linken'sphere

挑战帽子 Hood of Defiance

前锋盾 Vanguard

永不磨灭之看守保护 Aegis of the immortal

秘法圣所Arcane Sanctum

羊刀 Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse

紫苑 Orchid Malevolence

风杖 Eul's Scepter of Divinity

弹射法杖 Force Staff

红杖 Dagon

死灵书 Necronomicon

蓝杖 Aghanim's Scepter

刷新球 Refresher Orb

支援法衣 Supportive Vestments

梅肯 Mekansm

吸血鬼披风 Vladmir's Offering

秘法指环 Arcane Ring

卡嘉之洞察长笛 Khadgar's pipe of insight

玄冥盾牌 Nathrezim Buckler

回复帽子 Headdress of rejuvenation

圣殿指环 Ring of Basilius

飞行信使 Flying Courier

史前兵器 Ancient Weaponry

圣剑 Divine Rapier

金箍棒 Monkey King Bar

辉耀 Radiance

胡蝶 the Butterfly

大炮 Buriza-Dokyanon

碎骨锤 Cranium Basher

狂战斧 Battlefury

幻影斧 Manta Style

透明水晶剑 Crystalys

食尸鬼王的臂章 Armlet of Mordiggian

洛萨之锋 Lothar's Edge

诱惑遗物 Enchanted Artifacts

散夜对剑 Sange and Yasha

散华 Sange

夜叉 Yasha

撒旦之邪力 Satanic

支配偶盔 Helm of the Dominator

疯狂面具 Mask of Madness

雷神之锤 Mjollnir

旋涡 Maelstrom

散失之刃 Diffusal Blade

冰眼 Eye of Skadi

黯灭 Stygian Desolator

圣物关口 Gateway Relics

远行鞋 Boots of Travel

相位鞋 Phase Boots

动力鞋 Power Treads

点金手 Hand of Midas

空明杖 Oblivion Staff

坚韧球 Perseverance

穷苦人盾 Poor Man's shield

护腕 Bracer

幽灵系带 Braith Band

无用挂件 Null Talisman

魔杖 Magic Wand

奎尔瑟兰的密室(恶魔遗物)Cache of Quel-thelan

加速手套儿 Gloves of Haste

吸血面具 Mask of Death

恢复指环 Ring of Regeneration

跳刀 Kelen's Dagger

艺人面具 Sobi Mask

速率之鞋 Boots of Speed

真实宝石 Gem of ture sight

旅法师大氅 Planeswalker's Cloak

魔棒 Magic Stick

闪避护符 Talisman of Evasion

幽魂法杖 Ghost Scepter

奇迹古树(坟场)Ancient of Wonders

净化药水儿 Clarity Potion

治疗膏药 Healing Salve

艾西菲的史前祭祀Ancient Tango of Essifation

魔瓶 Bottle

侦查保卫(假眼)Observer Ward

岗哨保卫(真眼)Sentry Ward

显影之尘 Dust of Appearance

动物信使 Animal Courier

回程卷轴 Scroll of Town Portal

饰品商人 Sena the Accesorizer

铁树枝干 Ironwood Branch

贵族圆环 Circlet of Nobility

极限法球 Ultimate Orb

智力大氅 Mantle of Intelligence

法师长袍 Robe of the Magi

魔力法杖 Staff of Wizardry

火速便鞋 Slippers of Agility

精灵皮靴 Boots of Elvenskin

欢欣之刃 Blade of Alacrity

力量手套儿 Gauntlets of Ogre Strength

伟人腰带 Belt of Giant Strength

食人魔之斧 Ogre Axe

武器商人 Weapons Dealer

攻击之爪 Claws of Attack

阔剑 Broadsword

短棍 Quarterstaff

大剑 Claymore

看守保护指环 Ring of Protection

小圆盾 Stout Shield

标枪 Javelin

秘银锤 Mithril Hammer

锁子甲 Chain Mail

铁艺头盔 Helm of Iron Will

板甲 Plate Mail

压抑之刃 Quelling Blade

暗盘商人 Marketplace

恶魔刀锋 Demon Edge

鹰角弓 Eaglehorn

希梅斯特的掠夺 Messerschmidt's Reaver

神秘法杖 Mystic Staff

圣者遗物 Sacred Relic

治疗指环 Ring of Health

虚无宝石 Void Stone

振奋宝石 Hyperstone

精气之球 Point Booster

能+量之球 Energy Booster

活力之球 Vitality Booster


Aegis of the immortal 永不磨灭之看守保护

Aghanim's Scepter 蓝杖

Ancient of Wonders 奇迹古树(坟场)

Ancient Tango of Essifation 艾西菲的史前祭祀

Ancient Weaponry 史前兵器

Animal Courier 动物信使

Arcane Ring 秘法指环

Arcane Sanctum 秘法圣所

Armlet of Mordiggian 食尸鬼王的臂章

Assault Cuirass 强袭装甲

Battlefury 狂战斧

Belt of Giant Strength 伟人腰带

Black King Bar 黑皇杖

Blade Mail 刃甲

Blade of Alacrity 欢欣之刃

Bloodstone 血精石

Boots of Elvenskin 精灵皮靴

Boots of Speed 速率之鞋

Boots of Travel 远行鞋

Bottle 魔瓶

the Butterfly 胡蝶

Bracer 护腕

Braith Band 幽灵系带

Broadsword 阔剑

Buriza-Dokyanon 大炮

Cache of Quel-thelan 奎尔瑟兰的密室(恶魔遗物)

Chain Mail 锁子甲

Circlet of Nobility 贵族圆环

Clarity Potion 净化药水儿

Claws of Attack 攻击之爪

Claymore 大剑

Cranium Basher 碎骨锤

Crystalys 透明水晶剑

Dagon 红杖

Demon Edge 恶魔刀锋

Diffusal Blade 散失之刃

Divine Rapier 圣剑

Dust of Appearance 显影之尘

Eaglehorn 鹰角弓

Enchanted Artifacts 诱惑遗物

Energy Booster 能+量之球

Eul's Scepter of Divinity 风杖

Eye of Skadi 冰眼

Flying Courier 飞行信使

Force Staff 弹射法杖

Gateway Relics 圣物关口

Gauntlets of Ogre Strength 力量手套儿

Gem of ture sight 真实宝石

Ghost Scepter 幽魂法杖

Gloves of Haste 加速手套儿

Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse 羊刀

Hand of Midas 点金手

Headdress of rejuvenation 回复帽子

Healing Salve 治疗膏药

Heart of Tarrasque 魔龙之心

Helm of Iron Will 铁艺头盔

Helm of the Dominator 支配偶盔

Hood of Defiance 挑战帽子

Hyperstone 振奋宝石

Ironwood Branch 铁树枝干

Javelin 标枪

Kelen's Dagger 跳刀

Khadgar's pipe of insight 卡嘉之洞察长笛

Linken'sphere 林肯法球

Lothar's Edge 洛萨之锋

Maelstrom 旋涡

Magic Stick 魔棒

Magic Wand 魔杖

Manta Style 幻影斧

Mantle of Intelligence 智力大氅

Marketplace 暗盘商人

Mask of Death 吸血面具

Mask of Madness 疯狂面具

Mekansm 梅肯

Messerschmidt's Reaver 希梅斯特的掠夺

Mithril Hammer 秘银锤

Mjollnir 雷神之锤

Monkey King Bar 金箍棒

Mystic Staff 神秘法杖

Nathrezim Buckler 玄冥盾牌

Necronomicon 死灵书

Null Talisman 无用挂件

Oblivion Staff 空明杖

Observer Ward 侦查保卫(假眼)

Ogre Axe 食人魔之斧

Orchid Malevolence 紫苑

Perseverance 坚韧球

Phase Boots 相位鞋

Planeswalker's Cloak 旅法师大氅

Plate Mail 板甲

Point Booster 精气之球

Poor Man's shield 穷苦人盾

Power Treads 动力鞋

Protectorate 掩衬领地

Quarterstaff 短棍

Quelling Blade 压抑之刃

Radiance 辉耀

Refresher Orb 刷新球

Ring of Basilius 圣殿指环

Ring of Health 治疗指环

Ring of Protection 看守保护指环

Ring of Regeneration 恢复戒指

Robe of the Magi 法师长袍

Sacred Relic 圣者遗物

Sange 散华

Sange and Yasha 散夜对剑

Satanic 撒旦之邪力

Scroll of Town Portal 回程卷轴

Sena the Accesorizer 饰品商人

Sentry Ward 岗哨保卫(真眼)

Shiva's Guard 希瓦之看守保护

Slippers of Agility 火速便鞋

Sobi Mask 艺人面具

Soul Booster 镇魂石

Staff of Wizardry 魔力法杖

Stout Shield 小圆盾

Stygian Desolator 黯灭

Supportive Vestments 支援法衣

Talisman of Evasion 闪避护符

Ultimate Orb 极限法球

Vanguard 前锋盾

Vitality Booster 活力之球

Vladmir's Offering 吸血鬼披风

Void Stone 虚无宝石

Weapons Dealer 武器商人

Yasha 夜叉

Ⅷ 武器用英文怎么说

武器 [wu3 qi4]

The raison d'etre for a strategic weapon is to deter.
They find his fingerprint on the murder weapon.
The infantry is equipped with new weapons.
We must keep our weapons up to date.
At no time will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.
Graally upgrade weapons and other equipment.
The soldiers armed for battle.
Teenagers into lethal weapons modify car aerials

Ⅸ 武器用英语怎么说

武器 [wu3 qi4]

The raison d'etre for a strategic weapon is to deter.
They find his fingerprint on the murder weapon.
The infantry is equipped with new weapons.
We must keep our weapons up to date.
At no time will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.
Graally upgrade weapons and other equipment.
The soldiers armed for battle.
Teenagers into lethal weapons modify car aerials

Ⅹ 武器装备英文怎么说





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