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发布时间:2021-03-02 12:16:44

A. AP世界历史 short answer with the rise and fall of cl


B. SAT2 世界历史真题, 好的高分


1、The rapid colonization of Africa by the European powers after 1880 was motivated primarily by

Answer Choices

(A) the demand for slaves to cultivate New World cotton and sugar

(B) the desire for new markets, raw materials, and strategic advantage

(C) the need to tap the hydroelectric potential of the African rivers

(D) the heavy demand for African workers in European factories

(E) heightened interest by Europeans in tourism and big-game hunting

The correct answer is B


Difficulty: Easy

You need to remember why Europeans chose to colonize Africa at this particular time. In the late 1880's European countries became more nationalistic and more economically competitive. European leaders laid down the ground rules for "carving up" Africa at the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885; Europeans then established political and economic control over most of the African continent. Note that the question asks for the primary reason. So, while it is true, as (E) says, that Europeans became more interested in big game hunting, this was a minor motivation for African colonization in comparison to (B).

2、The Maya of Mesoamerica are best known for their achievements in:

Answer Choices

(A) Ship building and navigation

(B) Mathematics and astronomy

(C) Animal husbandry

(D) Carpentry

(E) Literature

The correct answer is B


Difficulty: Easy

No other American Indian group demonstrated such extraordinary achievements in mathematics and astronomy. The Maya developed a sophisticated mathematical system, chiefly used for their study of the stars and planets.


C. 有没有人考过ap世界历史 难考么 还有什么教

没考,但是可抄以和你说说,这门课还是挺难的,一点也不亚于欧洲史。我考欧洲史的时候,教材都是看一本世界史的书的欧洲部分,名叫《Traditions and Encounters:A Global Perspective on the Past 》,然后我会觉得,文科类的东西,真题就足够做的了,不用到处找习题做,和真题脱节太大,那些FRQ的题目就够你晕上一阵甚至崩溃的了。

D. 问几道AP欧洲历史题:

1. Prussia achieved its greatest importance in the 18th and 19th centuries. During the 18th century, it became a great European power under the reign of Frederick the Great (1740–). During the 19th century, Chancellor Otto von Bismarck united the German principalities into a "Lesser Germany" which would exclude the Austrian Empire.

The Kingdom of Prussia governed northern Germany politically, economically, and in population, and was the core of the unified North German Confederation formed in 1867, which became part of the German Empire or Deutsches Reich in 1871.

With the end of the Hohenzollern monarchy in Germany following World War I, Prussia became part of the Weimar Republic as a free state in 1919. It lost this status in 1932 following the Preußenschlag decree of Reich Chancellor Franz von Papen; Prussia as a state was abolished de facto by the Nazis in 1934 and de jure by the Allies of World War II in 1947.[

2. Frederick II of Prussia was a King in Prussia (1740–1772) and a King of Prussia (1772-1786) from the Hohenzollern dynasty.[1] In his role as a prince-elector of the Holy Roman Empire, he was Frederick IV (Friedrich IV.) of Brandenburg. He was in personal union the sovereign prince of the Principality of Neuchâtel. He became known as Frederick the Great (Friedrich der Große) and was nicknamed der alte Fritz ("Old Fritz").
Frederick was a proponent of enlightened absolutism. For years he was a correspondent of Voltaire, with whom the king had an intimate, if turbulent, friendship. He modernized the Prussian bureaucracy and civil service and promoted religious tolerance throughout his realm. Frederick patronized the arts and philosophers, and wrote flute music. Frederick is buried at his favorite residence, Sanssouci in Potsdam. Because he died childless, Frederick was succeeded by his nephew, Frederick William II of Prussia, son of his brother, Prince Augustus William of Prussia.

3.In 1848, German efforts at national unification had failed. The leadership for German unification in the 1860s came from the conservative chancellor of Prussia, Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898). He was primarily interested in strengthening Prussia, but was willing to embrace the nationalist cause to achieve his main goal. In 1866, Prussia defeated Austria and left Austria out of unification plans. Bismarck then created a union of 22 states, the North German Confederation. In 1870-71, the Germans defeated France in the Franco-Prussian War, which began when Napoleon III objected to a Prussian effort to place a member of its royal family on the Spanish throne. In the aftermath of the French defeat, the newly formed German Empire proclaimed the king of Prussia as its emperor. Although the empire officially remained a federation of states, power was autocratic and centralized. The liberal middle class was not a part of the political power of the empire, but the government won its support by supporting free trade policies.

4. Nationalism in Australia is believed to have emerged within the society of emancipists ring the early 19th century. It has evolved, and continues to evolve, over time as events shape Australia's national identity.

Federation consolidated feelings of nationalism among the Australian people. Nationalism, however, has sometimes encouraged people to think that their country is superior to another country. This was particularly evident around the time of Federation. Part of the reason that the colonies supported Federation was out of fear of being invaded by non-white immigrants. Despite the fact that several colonies already had implemented laws which restricted immigrants from certain countries, all of the colonies were keen to strengthen their immigration policies by uniting to keep non-whites out of Australia.

The first Australian Federal Parliament was opened on 13 May and it did not waste any time in fulfilling its pre-Federation intentions. As a consequence of racist views of white-superiority and fears of non-whites taking white workers' jobs, lowering wages and working conditions, the federal government passed the Immigration Restriction Act 1901 (Cth) and the Pacific Island Labourers Act 1901 (Cth). These two pieces of legislation marked the beginning of the White Australia policy.

5. Pan-Slavism was a movement in the mid-19th century aimed at unity of all the Slavic peoples. The main focus was in the Balkans where the South Slavs had been ruled for centuries by other empires, Byzantine Empire, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Venice. It was also used as a political tool by both the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, which gained political-military influence and control over all Slavic-majority nations between 1945 and 1948.

6. The Austrian Empire Hungary Revolution occurred in March of 1848 in Vienna, spreading to Hungary by the 17th.

7.1956) Popular uprising in Hungary following a speech by Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev in which he attacked the period of Joseph Stalin's rule. Encouraged by the new freedom of debate and criticism, a rising tide of unrest and discontent in Hungary broke out into active fighting in October 1956. Rebels won the first phase of the revolution, and Nagy Imre became premier, agreeing to establish a multiparty system. On November 1 he declared Hungarian neutrality and appealed to the UN. Western powers failed to respond, and on November 4 the Soviet Union invaded Hungary to stop the revolution. Nevertheless, Stalinist-type domination and exploitation did not return, and Hungary thereafter experienced a slow evolution toward some internal autonomy.

8. During the 18th century, intellectual changes began to dismantle traditional values and institutions. Liberal ideas from France and Britain spread rapidly, and from 1789 the French Revolution became the genesis of "liberal Italians". A series of political and military events resulted in a unified kingdom of Italy in 1861.
time line
1672-1803 Muratori, Alfieri and Genovesi ignite the fire of revolution.

1796 Milan is occupied by the French under French General Napoleon Bonaparte who founds the Cispadane Republic (including Modena, Bologna, and Ferrara).

1797 Pope submits to Bonaparte; Uprisings against French in Verona; French enter Venice; Cisalpine Republic established in Lombardy; Venice given to Austria.

1798 Roman Republic declared; Ferdinand IV enters Rome (later retaken by French); Abdication of Charles Emmanuel IV of Savoy.

1799 French occupation of Naples; Milan taken by Russians; Austrians enter Turin; Naples capitulates to Bourbons.

1801 Napoleon occupies Milan; Kingdom of Etruria founded by Napoleon in Tuscany; Treaty of Florence between France and Naples.

1802 Cisalpine Republic called Italian Republic; France annexes Piedmont.

1805 Napoleon crowns himself King of Italy; Ligurian Republic annexed to France; also Parma and Piacenza.

1806 Venetia annexed to Kingdom of Italy; Joseph Bonaparte declared King of the Two Sicilies.

1808 Joachim Murat becomes King of Naples; Papal States partly annexed to Kingdom of Italy.

1809 Napoleon annexes Rome and Papal States to French empire.

1814 Napoleon defeated; banished to Elba.

1820 Revolt in Naples.

1821 Revolt in Piedmont.

1831 Revolution in the Papal States; King Charles Albert becomes King of Sardinia; "Young Italy" founded by Mazzini.

1845 Pius IX becomes Pope.

1848 Uprisings in Palermo; Constitutional edict in Naples; Constitutional monarchy proclaimed in Piedmont; Constitution granted in Rome, Republic proclaimed with Mazzini as head. Successful revolution in Milan; Venice proclaimed a Republic; Charles Albert [Piedmont and Sardinia] invades Lombardy; Tuscan forces invade Lombardy; Naples constitution denied; Union of Venetia and Piedmont declared, soon overthrown; Battle of Custozza, Charles Albert defeated.

1849 Charles Albert abdicates in favor of Victor Emmanuel II; Sicilian revolution crushed by Naples; Austrians take Florence; Venice surrenders to Austria.

1850 Cavour becomes Prime Minister in Sardinia-Piedmonte.

1852 Napoleon III becomes emperor of France.

1858 Meeting of Cavour and Napoleon III.

1859 War between Austria and Sardinia Piedmont; Austria defeated by Piemontese and French; Sardinia gains Lombardy.

1860 Tuscany and Emilia declare for union with Sardinia-Piedmonte; Revolution in Sicily, Garibaldi lands and is victorious; invades Italy and gains victory; enters Naples Piemontese army under Victor Emmanuel take over from Garibaldi; Marche and Umbria vote for annexation to Piedmonte.

1861 Sicily and Naples vote to join Kingdom of Italy; Kingdom of Italy proclaimed.

9.Giuseppe Mazzini (22 June 1805 – 10 March 1872), the "Soul of Italy,"was an Italian patriot, philosopher and politician. His efforts helped bring about the modern Italian statethe founder (1831) of Young Italy, was perhaps the leading figure in liberal nationalism. He saw the creation of a democratic Italian state as crucial to Italy's development. Besides, he also in place of the several separate states, many dominated by foreign powers, that existed until the 19th century. He also helped define the modern European movement for popular democracy in a republican state.

睡觉了 Good questions 明天继续

E. AP世界历史和AP美国历史考哪一个帮助大

谢邀,其实来帮助都差不多,源这两科都属于social science的范畴内,笔者今年5月考完ap世界史,只考了4分(考前太浪了),个人感觉世界史比美国历史要容易。如果楼主要考历史的话,建议您选世界史。实际上世界史这科的难度被高估了,世界史其实只是讲了一些肤浅的概念 ,没有美国史复杂,但内容比较琐碎,整理起来比较难。(建议买一本笔记本整理考点,对照collegebroad发布的2018考试指南复习) 美国历史难但参考资料比世界史多很多(direct hit US history 真的是神器)。懒得话直接看direct hit稳4分是没问题的。最后说一句,ap历史类的学科4分左右还是比较容易的,5分还是要看你的综合能力了,ap考欧洲史 ap世界史还是ap美国史证明你在social science 上的综合(写作,分析,阅读)能力,所以笔者认为这三科所达到的效果相同。当然我还是建议您在能力允许的情况下去尝试一下世界史。

F. 世界历史试题及答案

材料一 1773年,北美殖民地人民说,他们只和英王之间缔结了契约。富兰克林认为,根专据人民的普遍心理,只有国属王才是北美的主权权威者。1776年发表的《独立宣言》则历数了英王的25条大罪,将其称为“专制君主”。——据雷芳《英王在殖民地形象的改变与北美独立意识的形成》
材料二 到1870年,在运到英国的棉花中,有60%来自美国。此后,美国始终是英国棉花的主要供应地。棉花也成为美国在1815年后最重要的经济发展动力,直到1860年,棉花出口占美国国内出口总值的一半还多。

G. 在哪里可以找到AP中文考试真题


H. AP世界历史和AP美国历史考哪一个帮助大




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