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发布时间:2021-03-01 19:16:39

⑴ 苹果公司的发展史 英文 100字 不要超太多

Apple Inc. is an American multinational corporation that designs and manufactures consumer electronics,computer software, and commercial servers. (简介你可以不算在内。)

The company was established in Cupertino, California on april 1, 1976 and incorporated on jamuary 3,1977,the company was called Apple Computer, Inc. for its first 30 years, but dropped the word "Computer" on January 9, 2007 to reflect the company's ongoing expansion into the consumer electronics market in addition to its traditional focus on personal computers.Apple has about 35,000 employees worldwide and had worldwide annual sales of US$42.91 billion in its fiscal year ending September 26, 2009. For reasons as various as its philosophy of comprehensive aesthetic design to its distinctive advertising campaigns, Apple has established a unique reputation in the consumer electronics instry. This includes a customer base that is devoted to the company and its brand, particularly in the United States. Fortune magazine named Apple the most admired company in the United States in 2008 and in the world in 2009.


⑵ 用英语介绍苹果

The apple is the pomaceous fruit of the apple tree, species Malus domestica in the rose family Rosaceae. It is one of the most widely cultivated tree fruits. The tree is small and decious, reaching 5-12 m tall, with a broad, often densely twiggy crown. The leaves are alternately arranged simple ovals 5-12 cm long and 3-6 cm broad on a 2-5 cm petiole with an acute tip, serrated margin and a slightly downy underside. Flowers are proced in spring simultaneous with the budding of the leaves. The flowers are white, five petaled, 2.5-3.5 cm in diameter, white with a pink tinge that graally fades. The fruit matures in autumn, and is typically 5-9 cm diameter (rarely up to 15 cm). The centre of the fruit contains five carpels arranged in a five-point star, each carpel containing one to three seeds.


⑶ 美国苹果公司的发展史(主要以公司发展,公司经营,产品设计理念和营销等方面进行介绍)

苹果公司(Apple Inc. )是美国的一家高科技公司。由史蒂夫·乔布斯、斯蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克和罗·韦恩(Ron Wayne)等三人于1976年4月1日创立,并命名为美国苹果电脑公司(Apple Computer Inc. ), 2007年1月9日更名为苹果公司,总部位于加利福尼亚州的库比蒂诺。
2015年1月28日,调研公司Canalys表示,苹果公司2014年第四季度首次成为中国智能手机市场最大厂商。 2月24日,美股收盘苹果股价涨3.51美元、涨幅为2.71%,报收于133美元、创历史新高。
苹果公司创立之初,主要开发和销售的个人电脑,截至2014年致力于设计、开发和销售消费电子、计算机软件、在线服务和个人计算机。苹果的Apple II于1970年代助长了个人电脑革命,其后的Macintosh接力于1980年代持续发展。该公司硬件产品主要是Mac电脑系列、iPod媒体播放器、iPhone智能手机和iPad平板电脑;在线服务包括iCloud、iTunes Store和App Store;消费软件包括OS X和iOS操作系统、iTunes多媒体浏览器、Safari网络浏览器,还有iLife和iWork创意和生产力套件。苹果公司在高科技企业中以创新而闻名世界。

1971年,16岁的史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)和21岁的史蒂芬·沃兹涅克(Stephen Wozniak)经朋友介绍而结识。

1976年,乔布斯成功说服沃兹装配机器之余跟他去推销,他们另一位朋友,罗·韦恩(Ron Wayne)也加入,三人在1976年4月1日组成了苹果电脑公司(Apple Computer Inc.)。同年5月,乔布斯与一间本地电脑商店The Byte Shop洽商,店主保罗·泰瑞尔(Paul Terrell)订购50部后来被称为Apple I的设备,并在交货时支付每部500美元。乔布斯取得了这份订单后,出售自己贵重物品进行筹款,并且说服大型电子零件分销商Cramer Electronics店铺信用部经理,先给零件后付款,最终乔布斯成功的完成这笔交易。
1977年1月,苹果电脑公司正式注册成为“苹果电脑公司”。同年,沃兹已成功设计出比Apple I更先进的Apple II。乔布斯想将公司扩充并向银行贷款,但韦恩因为冒险投资失败导致的心理阴影而退出了(另一说法为韦恩为了健康选择放弃疯狂的工作)。当时的苹果电脑公司缺乏资金来源。乔布斯最后遇到麦克·马库拉(Mike Markkula),麦克·马库拉注资9.2万美元并和乔布斯联合签署了25万美元的银行贷款。
1977年4月,苹果公司在首届西岸电脑展览会(West Coast Computer Fair)上推出Apple II。Apple II成为了人类历史上第一台个人电脑。Apple II 型也首度拥有输出单声道声音的架构,使个人计算机不再是哑巴。Apple II 型在80年代已售出数百万部,还拥有多种改良型号,包括苹果 IIe 和 IIgs 等。此两种计算机一直到 90 年代末期,仍然可以在许多学校里发现踪影,成为个人计算机的代表作。
80年代起,苹果在个人电脑业务遇到新兴的竞争对手。他们之中份量最重的是电脑业的“头号人物”——IBM。IBM的IBM-PC型电脑,装有英特尔(Intel)的新型处理器:Intel 8088,并且运行微软的操作系统MS-DOS(IBM方面的叫法是PC-DOS)。该电脑一经问世即成为大热门商品(销售量:1981年2万5千台;1982年19万台;1983年70万台)。正当小型企业还在使用Apple II时,苹果感到它需要一个更新、更先进的型号以参与企业用电脑市场。Apple III的设计师被迫遵循乔布斯的极高和有时不切实际的要求,据说乔布斯觉得散热扇“不雅致”因而被省略了,结果导致电脑容易过热,这迫使最早期的型号被回收。另外,Apple III售价高昂,虽然1983年推出了改善后的升级型,并随之进行了降价促销,但基本上仍是无法挽回Apple III在市场中的劣势,这主要是因为1981年IBM推出的IBM PC及其兼容机席卷了个人电脑市场。Apple III总共只制造了90,000台。
1983年苹果公司推出以CEO史蒂夫·乔布斯女儿的名字命名的新型电脑Apple Lisa,这是全球首款将图形用户界面和鼠标结合起来的个人电脑。Lisa是一款具有划时代意义的电脑,可以说没有Lisa就没有Macintosh(在Mac的开发早期,很多系统软件都是在Lisa上设计的),其具有16位CPU,滑鼠,硬盘,以及支持图形用户界面和多任务的操作系统,并且随机捆绑了7个商用软件。1983年1月以9,995美元的身价初次露面。苹果再次推出了一款超越它所处时代的产品,但过于昂贵的价格和缺少软件开发商的支持,使苹果电脑公司再次失去获得企业市场份额的机会。Lisa在1986年被终止,余货被埋在犹他州的垃圾堆填区,该电脑被视为苹果公司最烂的产品之一。
1984年1月24日,Apple Macintosh发布,该电脑配有全新的具有革命性的操作系统,成为计算机工业发展史上的一个里程碑,Mac电脑已经推出,即受到热捧,人们争相抢购,苹果电脑的市场份额不断上升。Macintosh延续了苹果的成功,但不能达到它最辉煌时的水平。
2001年,苹果推出了Mac OS X,一个基于乔布斯的NeXTStep的操作系统。它最终整合了UNIX的稳定性、可靠性和安全性,和Macintosh界面的易用性,并同时以专业人士和消费者为目标市场。OS X的软件包括了模拟旧系统软件的方法,使它能执行在OS X以前编写的软件。通过苹果的Carbon库,在OS X前开发的软件相对容易地配合和利用OS X的特色。
2002年初,苹果初次展示了新款的iMac G4。它由一个半球形的底座和一个用可转动的脖子支撑的数字化平板显示器组成。此产品在2004年的夏天停止生产。
2004年8月31日,苹果展示了基于G5处理器的iMac型号,并在9月中旬推出市场。此型号省掉了底座,把CPU和整台电脑的硬件藏在平板显示器的后面,只由流线型的铝脚支撑。新款的iMac称为iMac G5,是当时世界上最薄的台式电脑,大约5.1厘米厚(约等于2英寸)。产品包括使用无线局域网科技连接不同品牌的电脑的苹果AirPort,也包括iBook和G4电脑。
2005年6月6日的WWDC大会上,CEO乔布斯宣布从2006年起Mac的产品将开始使用英特尔(Intel)所制造的CPU(Intel Core)。
2006年4月5日,苹果电脑推出允许采用英特尔微处理器的Mac电脑运行微软Windows XP的软件Boot Camp。它简化了在Mac上安装Windows的任务,有一步一步的指导,用户还能够在重启机器时选择是采用Mac OS X还是Windows。2006年8月29日,苹果电脑公司发布声明,Google公司首席执行官埃里克·施密特已加入苹果公司董事会。2006年,史蒂夫·乔布斯发表了第一部使用英特尔处理器的台式电脑和笔记本电脑,分别为iMac和MacBook Pro。2006年,推出第六代iPod数码音乐播放器,称为iPodclassic。2006年,推出第二代iPod nano数码音乐播放器,采用和iPod mini相同之铝壳设计。
2007年,苹果推出了iPhone,一个结合了iPod和手机功能的科技产品。它也是一个上网工具和流动电脑。2007年,推出第三代iPod nano超薄数码音乐播放器,外型由细长转为宽扁。同年,苹果也推出了iPod touch。一个月后,该公司售出了6千万个程式,这为该公司赚取了平均一天一百万的商业利润。不到3个月,苹果公司便成为了世界上第三大移动电话的出厂公司。
2008年,史蒂夫·乔布斯在Mac World上发布(从信封中取出)了MacBook Air,这是当时最薄的笔记本电脑。2008年,史蒂夫·乔布斯在Mac World上发布了iPod nano第四代、iPod touch第二代、新设计的MacBook和MacBook Pro,以及全新的24英寸Apple LED Cinema Display。2008年7月11日,苹果公司推出iPhone 3G。iOS2x版正式提供全球语言。同时,苹果公司在官网停售第一代iPhone,官方原因为价格过高。
2009年,苹果负责全球营销的高级副总裁菲利普·席勒在Mac World 2009大会上发布了重新设计的17英寸屏幕的MacBook Pro笔记本电脑。 本年3月3日,推出升级版的iMac,但外形并未改变,其使用了NVIDIA公司新款显卡,并小幅度降低了iMac价格,同时升级更新的包括Mac mini和Mac Pro。2009年6月25日,推出新款iPhone,命名为iPhone 3GS,S代表speed,iPhone 3GS是当时iPhone中性能最好的一款,其运行速度是前两代iPhone的两倍多,并且加入了指南针、摄像等功能。同时,苹果公司在官网对iPhone3G进行降价。2009年9月10日,更新全线iPod产品(iPod touch、iPod classic和iPod nano),其中第五代 iPod nano 支持摄像和收音机功能,推出iTunes 9,正式推出Snow Leopard系统。
2010年1月27日,苹果推出了iPad。人们认为iPad是一个很独特新颖的产品,但是,iPad的推出并没有想象中的狂热。4月3日,推出iPad系列产品(Wi-Fi,Wi-Fi+3G);6月7日-11日(美国当地时间),苹果在旧金山Moscone West会展中心举行,苹果发布了第四代iPhone手机,型号为iPhone 4。

⑷ 苹果公司的创建和由来英语介绍

The Apple logo

The first Apple logo was designed by Ron Wayne, co-founder of Apple Computer. It was rather a picture than a logo. It showed Sir Isaac Newton sitting beneath the famous Apple tree thinking about gravity.
It was only used for the Apple I. Steve Jobs felt that it was too intellectual and it was almost impossible to put on computers as one could only recognize the details of the drawing when it was large enough.
Therefore, in 1977 Jobs asked the art designer Rob Janoff to design the new Apple logo. The new logo had a simple shape of an Apple, bitten into, with the colors of the rainbow in the wrong order. The bite symbolized knowlegde (in the bible the apple was the fruit of the tree of knowledge) and the bite could also be pronounced "byte", a reference to computer technology.
When Jean Louis Gassée was asked about his thoughts to the Apple logo he answered: "One of the deep mysteries to me is our logo, the symbol of lust and knowledge, bitten into, all crossed with the colors of the rainbow in the wrong order. You couldn't dream of a more appropriate logo: lust, knowledge, hope, and anarchy."
In 1997, Steve Jobs decided to drop the multi-colored Apple logo and replace it by a solid-colored logo. The first Apple computers to feature the new logo were the new PowerBook G3s in 1998 (although they still featured both types of logos).
原文来自the apple museum 一个介绍苹果历史的外文网站。 

⑸ iphone的发展历史

iPhone .
然后权后来苹果答应开发,于是2008年,iphone 3G诞生,并带来了最火的应用程序商店app store.
今年6月的wwdc大会,苹果发布iphone 3GS,s是speed的意思。是目前最快的iphone。

⑹ ipod历史 英文介绍

iPod is a brand of portable media players designed and marketed by Apple Inc. and launched on October 23, 2001. The proct line-up includes the hard drive-based iPod Classic, the touchscreen iPod Touch, the video-capable iPod Nano, and the compact iPod Shuffle. The iPhone can function as an iPod but is generally treated as a separate proct. Former iPod models include the iPod Mini and the spin-off iPod Photo (since reintegrated into the main iPod Classic line). iPod Classic models store media on an internal hard drive, while all other models use flash memory to enable their smaller size (the discontinued Mini used a Microdrive miniature hard drive). As with many other digital music players, iPods can also serve as external data storage devices. Storage capacity varies by model.

Apple's iTunes software can be used to transfer music to the devices from computers using certain versions of Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows operating systems. For users who choose not to use Apple's software or whose computers cannot run iTunes software, several open source alternatives to iTunes are also available. iTunes and its alternatives may also transfer photos, videos, games, contact information, e-mail settings, Web bookmarks, and calendars to iPod models supporting those features. As of September 2008, more than 173,000,000 iPods had been sold worldwide, making it the best-selling digital audio player series in history.

The iPod line came from Apple's "digital hub" category, when the company began creating software for the growing market of personal digital devices. Digital cameras, camcorders and organizers had well-established mainstream markets, but the company found existing digital music players "big and clunky or small and useless" with user interfaces that were "unbelievably awful," so Apple decided to develop its own. As ordered by CEO Steve Jobs, Apple's hardware engineering Chief Jon Rubinstein assembled a team of engineers to design the iPod line, including hardware engineers Tony Fadell and Michael Dhuey, and design engineer Jonathan Ive. The proct was developed in less than one year and unveiled on 23 October 2001. Jobs announced it as a Mac-compatible proct with a 5 GB hard drive that put "1,000 songs in your pocket."

Apple did not develop the iPod software entirely in-house, instead using PortalPlayer's reference platform based on 2 ARM cores. The platform had rudimentary software running on a commercial microkernel embedded operating system. PortalPlayer had previously been working on an IBM-branded MP3 player with Bluetooth headphones. Apple contracted another company, Pixo, to help design and implement the user interface under the direct supervision of Steve Jobs. As development progressed, Apple continued to refine the software's look and feel. Starting with the iPod Mini, the Chicago font was replaced with Espy Sans. Later iPods switched fonts again to Podium Sans—a font similar to Apple's corporate font, Myriad. iPods with color displays then adopted some Mac OS X themes like Aqua progress bars, and brushed metal meant to evoke a combination lock. In 2007, Apple modified the iPod interface again with the introction of the sixth-generation iPod Classic and third-generation iPod Nano by changing the font to Helvetica and, in most cases, splitting the screen in half by displaying the menus on the left and album artwork, photos, or videos on the right (whichever was appropriate for the selected item).

In September 2007, ring the course of a lawsuit with patent holding company Burst.com, Apple drew attention to a patent for a similar device that was developed in 1979. Kane Kramer patented the idea of a "plastic music box" in 1979, which he called the IXI. He was unable to secure funding to renew the US$ 120,000 worldwide patent, so it lapsed and Kramer never profited from his idea. Kramer is now in talks with the company to discuss how he will be reimbursed.
iPods have won several awards ranging from engineering excellence, to most innovative audio proct, to fourth best computer proct of 2006. iPods often receive favorable reviews; scoring on looks, clean design, and ease of use. PC World says that iPod line has "altered the landscape for portable audio players". Several instries are modifying their procts to work better with both the iPod line and the AAC audio format. Examples include CD -protection schemes, and mobile phones, such as phones from Sony Ericsson and Nokia, which play AAC files rather than WMA.

In addition to its reputation as a respected entertainment device, iPods have also become accepted as business devices. Government departments, major institutions and international organizations have turned to the iPod line as a delivery mechanism for business communication and training, such as the Royal and Western Infirmaries in Glasgow, Scotland where iPods are used to train new staff.

iPods have also gained popularity for use in ecation. Apple offers more information on ecational uses for iPods on their website, including a collection of lesson plans. There has also been academic research done in this area in nursing ecation and more general K-16 ecation. Duke University provided iPods to all incoming freshmen in the fall of 2004, and the iPod program continues today with modifications.

⑺ 急求一份苹果公司的发展史等 英文介绍!!

Apple Inc., formerly Apple Computer, Inc., is a multinational corporation that creates consumer electronics, computer software, and commercial servers. Apple's core proct lines are the iPad, iPhone, iPod music player, and Macintosh computer line-up. Founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak effectively created Apple Computer on April 1, 1976, with the release of the Apple I, and incorporated the company on January 3, 1977, in Cupertino, California. For more than two decades, Apple Computer was predominantly a manufacturer of personal computers, including the Apple II, Macintosh, and Power Mac lines, but it faced rocky sales and low market share ring the 1990s. Jobs, who had been ousted from the company in 1985, returned to become Apple's CEO in 1996 after his company NeXT was bought by Apple Inc., and he brought with him a new corporate philosophy of recognizable procts and simple design. With the introction of the successful iPod music player in 2001, Apple established itself as a leader in the consumer electronics instry, dropping "Computer" from its name. The latest era of phenomenal success for the company has been in the iOS range of procts that began with the iPhone, iPod Touch and now iPad. As of 2011[update], Apple is the largest technology firm in the world, with annual revenues of more than $60 billion

⑻ 介绍iphone历史的英语作文

It's getting more and more popular. More and more people want it. It's also getting more expensive and powerful. That's why people like it.



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