導航:首頁 > 軍事裝備 > 強大的軍事力量英語怎麼說


發布時間:2021-02-24 02:25:35

A. 求英語各種軍事用語。帶中文翻譯的那種

軍事英語 初級班課程總結(第一講至第四講)
A-Attacker攻擊機, 如A-6, A-7, A-10;
B-Bomber轟炸機, 如B-52, B-1, B-2;
C-Carrier運輸機, 如C-10, C-5, C-17;
E-Electronic電子戰機, 如E-2, E-3, E-767;
F-Fighter戰斗機, 如F-15, F-16, F/A-18;
H-Helicopter直升機, 如CH-47, AH-64, RAH-66;
K-Kerosene加油機, 如KC-10, KC-130;
P-Patrol巡邏機, 如P-3;
R-Reconnaissance偵察機, 如SR-71
S-Submarine反潛機, 如S-3;
X-Test試驗機, 如X-31;
注: 主代碼前的次代碼涵義類似,
型號後的副代碼代表改型, 如F-15E, EP-3C
JSF-Joint Strike Fighter聯合打擊戰斗機(美英)
LCA-Light Combat Aircraft輕型戰斗機(印度)
MCA-Medium Combat Aircraft中型戰斗機(印度)
UAV-Unmanned Air Vehicle無人駕駛飛行器
UCAV-Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle無人駕駛戰斗機
VTOL-Vertical Take-off and Landing垂直起降
BVR- Beyond Visual Range超視距
ECM- Electronic Counter-Measures電子對抗,電子戰
ESM- Electronic Support Measures電子支援
EW- Early Warning預警
FLIR- Forward-Looking Infrared Device前視紅外裝置
GPS- Global Positioning System全球定位系統
JDAM- Joint Direct Attack Munitions聯合直接攻擊彈葯
J-STAR- Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar system
RCS- Radar Cross Section雷達截面,雷達反射面
RWR- Radar Warning Receiver雷達告警器
SEAD- Suppression of Enemy Air Defense防空火力壓制
SAR- Synthetic Aperture Radar合成孔徑雷達
AAA- Anti-Aircraft Artillery高射炮
SAM- Surface to Air Missile防空導彈
CG-Cruiser (Guided-missile)巡洋艦
CV-Carrier Vessel常規動力航空母艦
CVN-Carrier Vessel (Nuclear-powered)核動力航母
DDG-Destroyer (Guided-missile)導彈驅逐艦
FFG-Frigate (Guided-missile)護衛艦
SSBN- Strategic Submarine (Ballistic-missile, Nuclear-powered)
SSN-Strike Submarine (Nuclear-powered)
VLS- Vertical Launch System垂直發射系統
PA- Phase Array相控陣
APAR- Active Phase-Array Radar主動相控陣雷達
ASW- Anti-Submarine War反潛
MCM- Mine Counter-Measures掃雷
MBT-Main Battle Tank主戰坦克
AFV-Armored Fighting Vehicle裝甲戰車
APC-Armored Personnel Carrier裝甲人員輸送車
IFV-Infantry Fighting Vehicle步兵戰車
ATGM- Anti-Tank Guided Missile反坦克導彈
TOW- Tube-launched Optic-tracked Wire-guided (anti-tank missile)
RPG-Rocket Propelled Grenade火箭助推榴彈, 槍榴彈
AAAV- Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle先進兩棲突擊車
MC- Marine Corps海軍陸戰隊
SRBM- Short-Range Ballistic Missile近程彈道導彈
IRBM- Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile中程彈道導彈
LRBM- Long-Range Ballistic Missile遠程彈道導彈
ICBM- Intercontinental Ballistic Missile洲際彈道導彈
SLBM- Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile潛射彈道導彈
TEL- Transporter/Erector/Launcher (導彈)運輸/起豎/發射車
AAA anti-aircraft artillery高射炮
AAAV advanced amphibious assault vehicle先進兩棲突擊車
AFV armored fighting vehicle裝甲戰車
APAR active phase array radar主動相控陣雷達
APC armored personnel carrier裝甲人員輸送車
ASW anti-submarine war反潛
ATGM anti-tank guided missile反坦克導彈
AWACS airborne warning and control system空中預警與指揮系統
BVR beyond visual range超視距
ECM electronic counter-measures電子對抗,電子戰
ESM electronic support measures電子支援
EW early warning預警
FLIR forward-looking infrared device前視紅外裝置
GPS global positioning system全球定位系統
IFV infantry fighting vehicle步兵戰車
JDAM joint direct attack munitions聯合直接攻擊彈葯
J-STAR joint surveillance and target attack radar system
MBT main battle tank主戰坦克
MCM mine counter-measures掃雷
PK probability of kill殺傷率
RCS radar cross section雷達截面,雷達反射面
RPG rocket-propelled grenade火箭助推榴彈,火箭彈
RWR radar warning receiver雷達告警器
SEAD suppression of enemy air defense防空火力壓制
SAR synthetic aperture radar合成孔徑雷達
SSBN strategic submarine (ballistic / nuclear)戰略導彈核潛艇
SSN strike submarine (nuclear)攻擊核潛艇
TEL transporter/erector/launcher (導彈)運輸/起豎/發射車
TOW tube-launched optic-tracked wire-guided (anti-tank missile)陶式導彈(光學有線制導管內發射反坦克導彈)
UAV unmanned air vehicle無人駕駛飛行器
UCAV unmanned combat air vehicle無人駕駛戰斗機
VLS vertical launch system垂直發射系統
VTOL vertical take-off and landing垂置起降

B. 兵力的英語翻譯 兵力用英語怎麼說

[詞典] troops; (軍隊實力)制 military strength; armed forces; numerical strength;
The troops for the landing were taken from Alexander's force and that put a brake on his operations.

C. 強大軍事力量在外國歷史上的舉例


D. 軍事英文翻譯


E. 「軍事強國」如何譯成英語

陸軍強國land power

海軍強國sea power

空中力量;空中實力;空軍;空軍強國air power

軍事強國 military power

F. 中國最新軍事力量 求翻譯成英語!!1



G. 軍事英語翻譯

括弧的裡面的東西KADDB不要翻譯到中文當中去,是「King Abllah II Design and Development Bureau」的縮寫,看起來不是很順。其它都翻的非常好,近乎完美。

H. 中國軍事實力中英文簡介

Meanwhile the PLA still lacks a dedicated attack helicopter comparable to the U.S. AH-64 Apache or Russian Mi-28 Havoc for ground support and anti-armour roles. The Army Aviation』 limited attack helicopter force comprises only some 30 to 40 Harbin WZ-9s and eight Eurocopter SA 342L Gazelles, plus around 60 Mil Mi-17 Hips carrying unguided rocket launchers and free-fall bombs.
A development programme for a new dedicated attack helicopter has been undergoing since the mid-1990s by 602 Institute and Changhe Aircraft Instry Company (CHAIC) in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province. The new helicopter, possibly designated as WZ-10 (Wuzhuang Zhisheng-10) is believed in the same class as South African Atlas Rooviak and Italian Agusta A129. The design of the helicopter including the power plant and transmission systems could be derived from the Harbin Z-9, with a re-worked front-fuselage to accommodate two pilots.
A photo revealed on Internet shows one of the possible design of the WZ-10, featuring a Z-9/AS 365-style fuselage layout and tail rotor, with a side-by-side, two-seat cockpit, a roof-mounted optical sight, and a nose-mounted FLIR. The helicopter can carry up to 8 ATGMs, or IR-guided short-range AAMs. Although the helicopter might still not be as capable as the U.S. AH-64 Apache, it will probably play a significant role in Army Aviation modernisation and force compabilities

I. 軍事力量的英文,軍事力量的翻譯,怎麼用英語翻譯軍事

military force

J. 求軍事術語 英語的

All-clear — 周圍安全;
Affirmative — (無線電)表肯定: 是的, 了解. Yes;
Negative — (無線電)表否定: 不. No;
Roger that — (無線電)收到;
Over (無線電)完畢(等待回話). "我說完了, 該你了";
Out 或Clear — (無線電)完畢(不要求對方回話);
Roger(that) — (無線電)收到. Roger是無線電中字母 R的讀法, 表示received"收到", 就跟我們把 7念做"拐"一樣;
Copy — (無線電)明白, 清楚, 了解(不僅是收到);
Wilco — Will Comply的縮寫, 遵命, 我會照辦 (而不僅僅是明白);
Go Ahead — (無線電)請講, 說吧;
Say Again — (無線電)再說一遍. 非常口語化, 有人會覺得用 Repeat顯得更專業. 殊不知, Repeat在呼叫炮火支援時, 是代表"再來一輪"的意思, 很容易混淆;
Need back up — 需要支援;
Cover me — 掩護我;
Suppressing fire(covering fire) — 火力支援, 火力掩護;
Fire in the hole !— 要爆炸了! 並不是光表示扔手榴彈. 這個詞源自前裝炮的時代, 當時的大炮是從前端裝火葯, 然後在炮身的小孔裡面灌傳火葯或者葯引, 再用明火點燃的. 點炮的時候, 火就從炮身的小孔經過, 所以叫"fire in the hole", 提醒大家要開炮了. 後來, 工兵在引爆炸彈的時候也這么喊, 現在已經泛指所有的爆炸了.;
cease fire /colh your fire — 停火.



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