Ⅰ 兵力的英語翻譯 兵力用英語怎麼說
[詞典] troops; (軍隊實力)制 military strength; armed forces; numerical strength;
The troops for the landing were taken from Alexander's force and that put a brake on his operations.
Ⅱ 軍事英語單詞
導彈 missiles<BR>洲際導彈 intercontinental missile<BR>中程導彈 mediurn-range missile<BR>巡航導彈 cruise missile<BR>核彈頭 nuclearwerhead<BR>地對地導彈 surface to-surface missile<BR>地對空導彈 surface-to-air missile<BR>艦對空導彈 ship-to-air missile<BR>空對空導彈 air-to-air missile<BR>空對地導彈 air-to-surface missile<BR>反幅射導彈 anti-radiation missile<BR>反艦導彈 anti-ship missile<BR>反潛導彈 anti-submarine missile<BR>自導魚雷 homing torpado<BR>彈翼 missile wing<BR>減速傘 drag parachute<BR>制導裝置 guidance device<BR>彈體 guided missile doby<BR>固體火箭發動機 solid propellant rocket<BR>尾翼 tail fin<BR>飛行彈道 trajectory<BR>發射制導裝置 launching guidance device<BR>發射管 launching tube<BR>反彈道導彈 anti-ballistic missile<BR>集束炸彈 bomb-cluster<BR>地下井 missile silo<BR>移動式井蓋 sliding silo door<BR>火箭發射場 rocket launching site<BR>發射塔 launching tower<BR>勤務塔 service tower<BR>核武器 nuclear weapons<BR>燃料庫 fuel depot; fuel reservoir<BR>指揮室 command post<BR>通氣道 air vent; ventilation shaft<BR>多級火箭 multistage rocket<BR>再入大氣層飛行器 re-entry vehicle<BR>原子彈 atomic bomb<BR>氫彈 hydrogen bomb<BR>引爆裝置 igniter<BR>熱核燃料 fusionable material<BR>蘑菇狀煙雲 mushroom cloud<BR>沖擊波 shock wave; blast wave<BR>放射性落下灰塵 radioactive fallout<BR>核爆炸觀測儀 nuclear explosion observation device<BR>輻射儀 radiation gauge<BR>輻射級儀 radiation level indicator<BR>軍事衛星 military satellite<BR>偵察衛星 reconnaissance satellite<BR>預警衛星 early warning satellite<BR>電子偵察衛星 electronic reconnaissance satellite<BR>導航衛星 navigation satellite<BR>測地衛星 geodesic satellite<BR>軍用通訊衛星 military communications satellite<BR>軍用氣象衛星 military meteorological satellite<BR>衛星通信車 satellite communications vehicle<BR>宇宙空間站 space station<BR>警戒雷達 warning radar<BR>引導雷達 director radar<BR>制導雷達 guidance radar<BR>目標指示雷達 target radar<BR>測高雷達 height finding radar<BR>三坐標雷達 three-dimensional radar<BR>彈道導彈預警相控陣雷達 ballistic missile early-warning phased-array radar<BR>導航雷達 navigation radar<BR>機載截擊雷達 airborne intercept radar<BR>炮瞄雷達 gun-pointing radar<BR>對空警戒雷達 aircraft-warning radar<BR>航海雷達 marine radar<BR>對海管戒雷達 naval warning radar<BR>偵察雷達 reconnaissance radar<BR>衛星通信天線 satellite communication antena<BR>驅逐艦 destroyer<BR>殲擊機 fighter plane; fighter<BR>空速管 airspeed head; pilot tube<BR>陀螺 gyroscope<BR>無線電羅盤 radio compass<BR>平視顯示機 head-up display<BR>火箭彈射座椅 ejector seat<BR>副翼 aileron<BR>襟翼 flap<BR>燃油箱 fuel tank<BR>垂直尾翼 tail fin; vertical stabilizer<BR>阻力傘艙 drag parachute housing<BR>水平尾翼 horizontal stabilizer<BR>液壓油箱 hydraulic oil container<BR>副油箱 auxiliary fuel tank<BR>主起落架 main landing gear<BR>機翼整體油箱 integral wing tank<BR>機炮 machine gun; cnnon<BR>進氣道系統 air-inlet system<BR>前起落架 front landing gear<BR>空氣數據計算機 air-data computer<BR>迎角感測器 angle of attack sensor<BR>進氣口頭錐 air-inlet nose cone<BR>戰斗機 combat aircraft<BR>截擊機 interceptor<BR>強擊機 attacker<BR>殲擊轟炸機 fighter-bomber<BR>輕型轟炸機 light bomber<BR>戰略轟炸機 strategic bomber<BR>電子戰機 electronic fighter<BR>高速偵察機 high-speed reconnaissance plane<BR>空中加油機 tanker aircraft<BR>運輸機 transport plane; air-freighter<BR>水上飛機 seaplane; hydroplane<BR>反潛巡邏機 anti-submarine patrol aircraft<BR>教練機 trainer aircraft; trainer<BR>垂直起落飛機 vertical take-off and landing<BR>無尾飛機 tailless aircraft<BR>隱形轟炸機 stealth bomber<BR>可變翼機 adjustable wing plane<BR>動力滑翔機 power glider<BR>掃雷直升機 mine-sweeping helicopter<BR>旋翼 rotor<BR>機身 fuselage<BR>抗扭螺旋槳 anti-torque tail rotor<BR>航空炸彈 aerobomb<BR>鋼珠彈 bomb with steel balls; container bomb unit<BR>化學炸彈 chemical bomb<BR>主戰坦克 capital tank<BR>重型坦克 heavy tank<BR>中型坦克 medium tank<BR>輕型坦克 light tank<BR>水陸兩用坦克 amphibious tank<BR>噴火坦克 flame-throwing tank<BR>架橋坦克 bridge tank<BR>掃雷坦克 mine-sweeping tank<BR>坦克推土機 tankdozer<BR>偵察坦克 reconnaissance tank<BR>無炮塔坦克 turretless tank<BR>坦克牽引車 recovery tank<BR>坦克修理後送車 repair-service tank<BR>反坦克障礙物 anti-tank obstacle<BR>樁寨 pile stockade<BR>鹿寨 abatis<BR>反坦克斷崖 anti-tank ditch<BR>反坦克崖壁 anti-tank precipice<BR>反坦克三角錐 anti-tank pyramids<BR>炮手 gunner<BR>坦克兵 tank soldier<BR>炮口 muzzle<BR>炮管 barrel<BR>清煙器 fume extractor<BR>炮塔 turret<BR>瞄準鏡 gun sight<BR>發動機散熱窗 radiator grille<BR>備用油箱 reserve fuel tank<BR>主動輪 driving wheel<BR>遮護板 shield<BR>負重輪 loading wheel<BR>煙幕彈發射筒 smoke bomb discharger<BR>誘導輪 incer<BR>潛望鏡 periscope<BR>魚雷 torpedoes<BR>電動機魚雷 electric torpedo<BR>航空魚雷 aerial torpedo<BR>火箭助飛魚雷 rocket-assisted torpedo<BR>線導魚雷 wire-guided torpedo<BR>發射機 transmitter<BR>自導控制組件 self-directing unit<BR>裝葯和電子組件 charge and electron unit<BR>待發裝置 actuator<BR>指令控制組件 command control unit<BR>陀螺控制組件 gyro-control unit<BR>電源控制組件 power-supply control unit<BR>燃燒室 combustor<BR>舵 rudder<BR>推進器 propeller<BR>潛艇 submarine<BR>魚雷艙 torpedo room<BR>魚雷發射管 firing tube<BR>聲納 sonar<BR>操縱線 control wire<BR>水雷 submarine mine<BR>自航式水雷 mobile mine<BR>錨雷 mooring mine<BR>觸發錨雷 moored contact mine<BR>觸角 antenna<BR>雷索 mine-mooring cable<BR>沉底水雷 ground mine<BR>漂雷 floating mine<BR>深水炸彈 depth charge; depth bomb<BR>航空母艦 aircraft carrier<BR>核動力航空母艦 nuclear-powered aircraft<BR>阻攔裝置 arrester<BR>飛行甲板 flight deck<BR>雷達天線 radar antenna<BR>導航室 island<BR>艦橋 bridge<BR>機庫 hangar<BR>升降機口 aircraft lifts; elevators<BR>艦載機起飛彈射裝置 catapults<BR>油料艙 fuel bunker<BR>彈葯艙 ammunition store<BR>貯存艙 storage hold<BR>通信中心室 communication center<BR>核反應堆 nuclear reactor<BR>生活艙 accommodation<BR>巡洋艦 cruiser<BR>護衛艦 escort vessel; frigate<BR>導彈護衛艦 missile frigate<BR>戰列艦 battleship<BR>護衛艇 corvette<BR>供應艦 tender ship; depot ship<BR>艦隊補給艦 fleet depot ship<BR>海上補給船 sea depot ship<BR>運輸艦 transport ship<BR>汽油運輸船 gasoline transport ship<BR>掃雷艦 mine sweeping vessel<BR>掃雷艇 minesweeper<BR>魚雷艇 torpedo boat<BR>導彈快艇 missile speedboat<BR>導彈潛艇 guided-missile submarine<BR>核動力潛艇 nuclear-powered submarine<BR>潛艇救護艦 submarine lifeguard ship<BR>獵潛艇 submarine chaser<BR>登陸艦 landing ship<BR>塢式登陸艦 dock landing ship<BR>電子偵察船 electronic reconnaissance ship<BR>情報收集船 information-collecting ship<BR>測量船 survey vessel<BR>調查船 research ship<BR>打撈回收船 salvage vessel<BR>核動力破冰船 nuclear-powered icebreaker<BR>氣墊巡邏船 patrol hovercraft
Ⅲ 軍事力量的英文,軍事力量的翻譯,怎麼用英語翻譯軍事
military force
Ⅳ 軍事英文翻譯
Ⅳ 武器的英文怎麼說
1、weapon 讀音音標 :英 [ˈwepən], 美 [ˈwɛpən]
2、arms 讀音音標:英 [ˈwepən], 美 [ˈwɛpən]
3、arm 讀音音標: 英 [ɑ:m] 美 [ɑ:rm]
4、armament 讀音音標: 英 [ˈɑ:məmənt] 美 [ˈɑ:rməmənt]
5、ordnance 讀音音標:英 [ˈɔ:dnəns] 美 [ˈɔ:rdnəns]
The police still haven't found the murder weapon .
武器;武器;臂;戰爭;紋章;臂( arm的名詞復數 );[復數]戰事;權力
Police officers in the UK do not usually carry arms .
He was carrying a number of files under his arm (= between his arm and his body) .
The fears have prompted several countries to embark on massive armament plans.
Shoes and clothing for the army were scarce, ordnance supplies and drugs were scarcer.
Ⅵ 武裝部隊,武裝力量,武裝部隊用英語怎麼說最合適
Armed forces, armed forces, armed forces
Ⅶ 軍事英語翻譯
括弧的裡面的東西KADDB不要翻譯到中文當中去,是「King Abllah II Design and Development Bureau」的縮寫,看起來不是很順。其它都翻的非常好,近乎完美。
Ⅷ 中國軍事實力中英文簡介
Meanwhile the PLA still lacks a dedicated attack helicopter comparable to the U.S. AH-64 Apache or Russian Mi-28 Havoc for ground support and anti-armour roles. The Army Aviation』 limited attack helicopter force comprises only some 30 to 40 Harbin WZ-9s and eight Eurocopter SA 342L Gazelles, plus around 60 Mil Mi-17 Hips carrying unguided rocket launchers and free-fall bombs.
A development programme for a new dedicated attack helicopter has been undergoing since the mid-1990s by 602 Institute and Changhe Aircraft Instry Company (CHAIC) in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province. The new helicopter, possibly designated as WZ-10 (Wuzhuang Zhisheng-10) is believed in the same class as South African Atlas Rooviak and Italian Agusta A129. The design of the helicopter including the power plant and transmission systems could be derived from the Harbin Z-9, with a re-worked front-fuselage to accommodate two pilots.
A photo revealed on Internet shows one of the possible design of the WZ-10, featuring a Z-9/AS 365-style fuselage layout and tail rotor, with a side-by-side, two-seat cockpit, a roof-mounted optical sight, and a nose-mounted FLIR. The helicopter can carry up to 8 ATGMs, or IR-guided short-range AAMs. Although the helicopter might still not be as capable as the U.S. AH-64 Apache, it will probably play a significant role in Army Aviation modernisation and force compabilities
Ⅸ 「軍事強國」如何譯成英語
陸軍強國land power
海軍強國sea power
空中力量;空中實力;空軍;空軍強國air power
軍事強國 military power
Ⅹ 中國最新軍事力量 求翻譯成英語!!1