導航:首頁 > 軍事裝備 > 軍事理論英文怎麼說


發布時間:2021-02-17 15:29:40

❶ 這些科目用英語怎麼說,急~

大學計算機基礎 Basic Computer
影視藝術概論 Art Panorama of Movie and Television
體育 Sports
高等數學 Advance Maths
思想道德修養與法律基礎 Moral Ecation and Basis of Law
管理學 Management
大學英語 College English
軍事理論 Martial Theories
傳播學 Communication
視聽語言 Audio-Visual Language
媒介經營管理 Media Management
會計學原理 Principle of Accounting
經濟學原理 Principle of Economics
形式與政策 Formality and Policies
媒介經營管理法律法規 Media Management Laws and Regulations
財務管理 Finance Management
市場營銷學 Marketing
電視製片管理 Television Movie-making Management
電視節目製作 Television Programming
影視攝像基礎 Basic of Movie Camera
影視劇作基礎 Basic of Movie
統計學原理 Statistics
投資學 Investment
商務談判 Business Negotiation
大學英語 College English
電視編導 TV Director
影視作品分析 Appreciation of Movie Works
人力資源管理 Management of Human Resource
廣播電視經營管理 Business Operations of Broadcast and TV
公共關系學 Public Relations
文化消費者行為學 The Behavior of Cultural Consumption

❷ 軍事理論與實訓 求這門課的英文翻譯 急~~

Basic Military Knowledge and Training

❸ 關於中國各種部隊的英文怎麼說

中國人民武警部隊、Chinese People Armed Police Force
武警消防部隊、Fire control armed force of Armed Police Force
武警邊防部隊、Armed Police Force frontier forces
海軍艦艇部隊、Naval ships and boats armed force of navy
中國人民內解容放軍、Chinese People's Liberation Army
中國人民解放軍海軍、Navy of Chinese People's Liberation Army
中國人民解放軍陸軍、Land force of Chinese People's Liberation Army
中國人民解放軍空軍、Air force of Chinese People's Liberation Army
中國人民解放軍二炮、Second Artillery Corps of Chinese People's Liberation Army


❹ "軍事理論與實踐"的英文怎麼說啊

military theory and practice

❺ 急求以下大學課程名稱的英文翻譯

力學Mechanics, 計算機基礎Funmentals of Computer,高等數學 Advanced Mathematics,文化素質教育Culture Quality Ecation,vb程序設計VB Programming,體育Physical Ecation,法律基礎Funmentals of law,線性代數Linear Algebra,場論與常微分方程Field Theory and Ordinary Differentical Equations,光學Optics,普通物理實驗Experiments in General Physics,理論力學Theoretical Mechanics,電工學Electrotechnics,原子物理Atomic Physics,c語言程序設計C Language Programming,數理方法Mathematical Method,電動力學Electrodynamics,科技英語(選修)Science and Technique English(Elective),電子技術基礎(數字部分)Fundamentals of Electronic Technology(digital),數子電路實驗Experiments in Digital Circuit,基礎心理學Basic Psychics,基礎教育學Basic Ecation,熱力學與統計物理學Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics,量子力學Quantum Mechanics,物理學史History of Physics,現代教育技術Modern Ecation Technology,電子技術基礎(模擬部分)Fundamentals of Electronic Technology(Simulation),教師職業技能訓練Practical Training Course of English Teaching Techniques,中學物理教材選論Elective Reading in High School Physics Text,模擬電路實驗Experiments in Analogue Circuit,多媒體材設計與製作Design and Practice in Multi-media Technology,教育倫理學Ecation Ethics ,教育學選修課Elective Course in Ecation,心理學類選修課Elective Course in psychics,中學物理教學法Physics Teaching method in High School,近代物理實驗Experiments in Modern Physics


❻ 大學課程名稱英文翻譯!!!急需啊!!拜託高手解答!!!

思想道德修養 Moral Ecation.
大學英語 Collage English
體育 gymnasium/physical ecation
高等數學_微積分:Advanced Mathematics (third)calculous
無機及分析化學:Inorgnic & analytic Chemistry
基礎化學實驗 : Basic Chemistry Experiment
植物學 Botany
計算機應用基礎 Basic Computer Applied (Technology)
軍事理論 Minitary Theory
軍事技能 Minitary Skill
政治經濟學原理 :Principles of Political Economy
高等數學(三)概率論 :Advanced Mathematics (third)Probability Theory
普通物理 :General Physics
有機化學 :Orgnic Chemistry
有機化學實驗 :Orgnic Chemistry Experiment
計算機程序設計 :Computer Programing
毛澤東思想概論(二) :Outline of Mao Tsetung Thought
植物生理學 :plant physiology
生物化學 :Biochemistry
土壤與農業化學 Soil & Agricultural Chemistry
美術 :Fine Arts
設計初步 Preliminary Design
基礎必讀書 Fundamental compulsory Readings
鄧小平理論概論 :Outline of Deng Xiao-ping Theory
法律基礎 :Fundamental Law
畫法幾何與建築制圖 :descriptive geometry & architectural drawing
計算機輔助設計(二) CAD(second)
園林植物昆蟲學 Garden plant & Insectology
園林史 History of Gardens
馬克思主義哲學原理(一) :Principle of Marxist philosophy
園林樹木學(實習) :Gardens & dendrology(practice)
園林工程 :garden engineering
園林植物病理學 :Pathology of Garden plants
花卉學 :Flower
園林樹木學 :Gardens & dendrology
園林規劃設計 :Planning and Designing of Landscape plants
園林建築設計 :Garden architectural design
園林工程 :Garden Engineering
城市綠地系統規劃 :urban green space system planning
盆景與插花技藝 Technology of bonsai and ikebana
建築學初步 :Fundamental Architecture
Authorware多媒體設計(公選) Multimedia Design Using Authorware
儒家文化十五講(公選)15 lectures on confucian culture (public)
預防醫學(公選) :preventive medicine(public)
中國美術作品欣賞(公選)Chinese Artworks Appreciation(public)
成績 :score
學分 :credit
績點: point

❼ 人民武裝部軍事理論教研室 用英語怎麼翻譯

The people's armed forces military theory teaching and research section

❽ 課程名稱英文翻譯

Sports physical rituals
Military Theory
The contemporary/present youth psychology
Modern Enterprise Management
WTO basic knowledge
Chinese calligraphy art appreciation
Women EQ
3D Animation proction
The basis of the Chemical machines
【basis chemical machines】


❾ 求大學課程名稱的英文翻譯

思想道德修養 Philosophy and Ethics Training
中國通史 The General History of China
中國文學史 The History of Chinese Literature
現代漢語 Mordern Chinese Literature
文學概論 General Literature Theory
語言學概論 General Linguistic Theory
軍事理論 Militery Theory
法律基礎 Fundamentals of Law
古代漢語(上) Ancient Chinese(1)
馬克思主義哲學原理 Marxism Philosophy Principles
寫作基礎教學實習 合格 Fundamentals of Writting Teaching Practice
寫作基礎 Fundamentals of Writting
雞尾酒技藝 Cocktail Making Skills
網路初探 An Introction to Networks
資料庫原理與應用 Database Principles and Applications
古代漢語(下) Ancient Chinese(2)
中國旅遊地理 Chinese Tourism Geography
中國現當代文學 Chinese Mordern and Contemporary Literature
資料庫教學實習 Database Teaching Practice
毛澤東思想概論 Basics of Maoism
交際語言學教學實習 Social Liguistics Teaching Practice
中國旅遊地理教學實習 Chinese Tourism Geography Teaching Practice
交際語言學 Social Liguistics
德語與德國文化 Germany and Germany Culture
日語入門與日本文化 Japanese and Japanese Culture
外國文學史 History of Foreign Literature
英美影視欣賞 English and American Movie Evaluation
生活中的博弈論 Game Theory in Life
管理學原理 Management Principles
當代世界經濟與政治 Contemporary Economis and Politics of the World
公共關系學 Public Relations
公關文秘類教學實習(一) Public Relations and Secetary Teaching Practice(1)
美學 Art Theory
中國語言學史 History of Chinese Liguistics
語言邏輯學 Logic in Linguistics
鄧小平理論概論 Basics of Dengism
公關心理學 Public Psychology
漢語言學類教學實習(二) Public Relations and Secetary Teaching Practice(1)
計算語言學 Computing Liguistics
政治經濟學 Politics and Economics
政治經濟學教學實習 Politics and Economics Teaching Practice
辦公自動化 Office Automation
社會語用學 Social Use of Lauguages
環境保護概論 General Environment Protection Theory
對外漢語教學概論 General Theory of Chinese Teaching to Foreigners
導游講解藝術 The Art of Tour Guiding
公共行政與公共事務 Public Administration and Public Affairs
公關文秘類教學實習(二) Public Relations and Secetary Teaching Practice(2)
實用寫作 Practical Writting Skills
書法作品欣賞 Chinese Script Writting Evaluation
談判學 Negotiation
現代秘書學 Mordern Secretary Study
寫作類教學實習(二) Writting Practice(2)
形勢與政策 Trends and Policies
廣告營銷策劃 Advertising, Marketing & Planning
中國傳統文化概論 General Theory of Chinese Traditional Culture
播音與主持藝術 The Art of Radio and TV Broadcasting and Presenting
中國旅遊風光 Chinese Tourism Sceneries
漢語史 History of Chinese
文化語言學 Culture and Liguistics
辯論技巧 Debating Techniques
影視節目製作 Video Programme Making

❿ 我在看軍事理論,你在幹嘛翻譯為英語

您好,翻譯為I am reading military theory what are you doing?



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