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① 中國當代史大事年表(英文)

中國共產黨的創立 和 第一次國內革命戰爭
1919年月4日 「五四」運動爆發
6月3日 上海工人大罷工
1920年夏 第一個共產主義小組在上海建立
秋 毛澤東在湖南建立社會主義青年團和共產主義小組
1921年7月 中國共產黨成立
1922年1月-3月 香港中國海員大罷工
7月 中共「二大」召開
9月 安源路礦工人大罷工
1923年2月 京漢鐵路工人舉行「二七」大罷工
6月 中共「三大」召開
1924年1月 中國國民黨「一大」召開,革命統一戰線正式形成
1925年3月12日 孫中山先生逝世
5月30日 發生「五卅」慘案,「五卅」反帝運動爆發
1926年10月 香港工人大罷工
1926年3月 毛澤東發表《中國社會各階級的分析》
5月 蔣介石提出「整理黨務案」
7月 國民革命軍出師北伐
1927年3月 上海工人三次武裝起義
1927年1月 武漢和九江人民收回英租界
3月 毛澤東發表《湖南農民運動考察報告》
4月12日 蔣介石發動反革命政變
7月15日 汪精衛集團叛變革命

第 二 次 國 內 革 命 戰 爭
8月1日 「八一」南昌起義
8月7日 中共中央召開「八七」會議(在漢口)
9月 毛澤東領導湘贛邊秋收起義
10月 毛澤東率領工農革命軍到達井岡山地區
12月11日 廣州起義
1928年4月 井岡山會師,成立中國工農紅軍第四軍
1929年12月 古田會議召開
1930年3月 中國左翼作家聯盟成立
1931年秋 中央革命根據地工農紅軍粉碎國民黨三次反革命「圍剿」
1931年9月18日 日本帝國主義發動「九·一八」事變
11月 中華蘇維埃第一次全國代表大會召開,中華蘇維埃共和國臨時中央政府成立
1932年1月28日 日本帝國主義發動「一·二八」事變,十九路軍奮起抗戰
3月 日本操縱的偽「滿洲國」成立
1933年春 工農紅軍粉碎國民黨第四次反革命「圍剿」
1934年10月 工農紅軍第五次反「圍剿」失敗,中央革命根據地主力紅軍開始長征
1935年1月 遵義會議召開
2月 東北抗日聯軍建立
10月 中央紅軍勝利到達陝北
12月9日 「一二·九」運動爆發
12月 中共中央瓦窯堡會議,毛澤東發表《論反對日本帝國主義的策略》
1936年5月 全國各界救國聯合會成立
10月 全國三大主力紅軍勝利會師,長征勝利結束
12月 西安事變,抗日民族統一戰線初步形成

抗 日 戰 爭
1937年7月7日 「蘆溝橋事變」,抗日戰爭開始
7月15日 中共提出國共合作的抗日宣言
8月13日 日本發動「八·一三」事變
8月 中共洛川會議,頒布《抗日救國十大綱領》
9月 國民黨公布國共合作抗日宣言,抗日民族統一戰線建立
10月 八路軍創立第一個抗日根據地——晉察冀根據地
1938年春 台兒庄戰役勝利
5月 毛澤東發表《論持久戰》
10月 中共召開六屆六中全會
1939年底 中共打退國民黨第一次反共高潮
1940年1月 毛澤東發表《新民主主義論》
8-11月 彭德懷指揮八路軍發動百團大戰
1941年1月 國民黨發動第二次反共高潮——皖南事變
-1942年 中國共產黨採取「三三制」原則,加強抗日民主政權建設,實行減租減息政策,開展大生產運動和整風運動,進行反「掃盪」斗爭,保衛解放區
1943年6月-7月 國民黨第三次反共高潮被制止
1944年9月 林伯渠代表共產黨提出廢除國民黨一黨專政,組織民主聯合政府的主張
1945年4月 中共「七大」召開
8月8日 蘇聯對日宣戰
8月15日 日本宣布無條件投降
9月2日 日本正式簽訂投降書

第 三 次 國 內 革 命 戰 爭
8月28日-10月10日 國共重慶談判,簽訂《雙十協定》
10月中下旬 上黨、邯鄲戰役,粉碎國民黨的局部進攻
12月 昆明學生發動「一二·一」愛國運動
1946年1月10日 國共兩黨簽訂停戰協定
6月 國民黨發動全面內戰,第三次國內革命戰爭開始
12月 北平學生發動抗議美軍暴行的運動
1947年2月28日 台灣人民舉行「二·二八」起義
3月-7月 延安保衛戰,孟良崮戰役,粉碎國民黨的重點進攻
5月 全國學生發動「反飢餓、反內戰、反迫害」的愛國運動
6月30日 劉鄧大軍挺進大別山
7月 人民解放軍開始全國規模的反攻
9月 中共全國土地會議召開,公布《中國土地法大綱》
10月 《中國億解放軍宣言》發表
1948年9月-11月 遼沈戰役
1949年1月 淮海戰役
12月-1949年1月 平津戰役
 1949年3月 中共七屆二中全會
4月21日 毛澤東、朱德發而進軍令,解放軍渡江作戰
4月23日 解放南京,國民黨反動統治結束
6月30日 毛澤東發表《論人民民主專政》
9月21日 中國人民政治協商會議第一屆全體會議開幕
10月1日 中華人民共和國成立,民主革命終結和社會主義革命開始

② 關於外國重大來歷史事件的英語文章


③ 求一篇美國歷史小故事 英文版

1860年共和黨人林肯當選為總統,美國民主黨遭到慘敗,這就成為南方奴隸主脫離聯邦和發動叛亂的信號。南部蓄奴州南卡羅來納州首先脫離聯邦,接著喬治亞州、亞拉巴馬、佛羅里達、密西西比、路易斯安那和得克薩斯諸州相繼脫離, 並於1861年2月宣布成立「南部同盟」,另立以傑斐遜·戴維斯為總統的政府。1861年4月12日叛亂政府軍開始炮轟在南卡羅來納的聯邦薩姆特要塞,14日被攻陷。林肯政府於4月15日發布討伐令,內戰爆發 。不久,弗吉尼亞、北卡羅來納、田納西、阿肯色4州退出聯邦參加南部聯盟。



④ 著名歷史事件 英文200詞

Wince:the spring and autumn period,jin strife and offer the son of jin ChongEr male fled to chu.ChuCheng king shelter and feasted him,as he promised JinChu war jin will wince (a shekel for three miles).Later in ChongEr QinMu male under the help of the ruling.Return to jin Jin support 475-221 B.C.and chu conflict,the two armies in the city which meet,ChongEr wince,to lure him deep and win.

⑤ 歷史事件英文 是 historic還是historical event

historic是「有歷史意義的」之意,後者則是「與歷史有關的」或」歷史上的」的意思,所以a historic event是「值得紀念的歷史事件」;the historical event「歷史上確有其事的事件」,所以題上不強調的話用後者。





important in history; likely to be thought of as important at some time in the future



英 [hɪˈstɒrɪkl] 美 [hɪˈstɔ:rɪkl]

adj.:歷史的,歷史上的; 有關歷史研究的; 有根據的; 基於史實的

網路:歷史性; 史實; 歷史性的

1、In Buda, several historical monuments can be seen.


2、He is writing a historical novel about nineteenth-century France.


3、It was this kind of historical context that Morris brought to his work.


⑥ 歷史上的重大事件英文帶翻譯初中短作文

Everyone has their own dreams, I am the same. But my dream is not a lawyer, not a doctor, not actors, not even an instry. Perhaps my dream big people will find it ridiculous, but this has been my pursuit! My dream is to want to have a folk life! I want it to become a beautiful painting, it is not only sharp colors, but also the colors are bleak, I do not rule out the painting is part of the black, but I will treasure these bleak colors! Not yet, how about, a colorful painting, if not bleak, add color, how can it more prominent American? Life is like painting, painting the bright red color represents life beautiful happy moments. Painting a bleak color represents life difficult, unpleasant time. You may find a flat with a beautiful road is not very good yet, but I do not think it will. If a person lives flat then what is the point? Life is only a short few decades, I want it to go Finally, Each memory is a solid.


A friend is a person who can let you feel warm when you are
depressed. I have many friends.But XXX is my best friend.He is as old as me.He taller than me.Basketball is his favorite sport.We are in the same class.He is good at study.So his study is very good.We learn from each other and help each other.He will help me if i got in trouble.I will help he as much as I can. I hope our friendship will forever and ever.
A friend is someone who can let you feel warm when you are depressed. I have many friends. However I only have one best friend and it's XXX. He is the same age as me. He is taller than me. Basketball is his favourite sport. We are in the same class. He likes studying and is good at it, so he gets high marks. We learn from each other and help each other. He will help me if I ever get into troubles. So will I. I hope our friendship will last forever and ever

My best friend and I get along with each other quite well. But we are so different. He is funnier, more outgoing than I am and i'm more serious. He is more athletic and likes to play all kinds of sports but I am smarter on study. My friend is wilder than me and I am calmer. He is tall, thin, strong,with short hair, And sometimes he is very careless and lazy. On the other hands, I am short, fat, weak, with shorthair. He is very helpful because I am very lazy and don't want to do any sports. And I will help him with his study.
I think our friendship will last forever.

Today, good sunny weather, always a hundred flowers ... ..." I head swimming glasses, I sing a little song, walked meteor big, went to Zhoushan Middle School swimming pool.
Wow thiazolyl! Today, many people can really ah! A group of three students, five pile, in the pool, pushing and shoving, no better happy!
I already have lost Hing son, traveling light. "Thump!" I caught a spring, water cks to water generally swim a ... .... Nice to feel the water! I have a moment like a free fish fry for a while yet also seemed a carefree birds. Sometimes wildly breaststroke frog forward, sometimes into freestyle, rolls toward the deep water. I kept the swinging hands, feet not live playing the water splashes like a bit graceful girl, and like one a lovely boy, beautiful great!
I jumped up, roll forward. "Wow!" The water was cold and deep water, thrilled! "Crash ......" my original" Deep Somersault "began. I pushed the hands, feet Yi Deng, jumped backward, turn sideways for a more perfect performance ah! I am in the midst of cheers, air to drill into the water. At this time, the students are coming to my swim. Suddenly, the pool open swim posture: breaststroke, butterfly, dog plane, everything. Overtake each other, with each side. Laughter, playfulness sound into a ......
Tired, I lay quietly on the water: If water every day as partners, so the fish do my friend, my teacher, my job is only swimming ...... it was nice to ah!
When the sun sets, my classmates and I still play pool slapstick. Finally, the shore, and the evening's setting sun dragging our very, very long shadow. Happy swimming, I like!

I love my family,because I have a happy family.
My father is an English teacher.His name is Jacky.He is thirty-eight.He likes playing basketball.What』s my mother jop?Is she a teacher?Yes,you』re right!My mother is very kind and nice,she is thirty-seven.My mother is always laborious work.I love my parents!
On Staurday and Sunday,I often go to the library and play the piano,My father go to play basketball.Sometimes,we watch TV and listen to music at home.
I love my family.Because I』m very happy to live with my parents together!


I what busied one day, the body that dragging exhaustion sits silently on the balcony to syare blankly, come stealthily towards evening, late wind slowly had blown, left the cool trace of filar silk. But the balcony that also cannot bake sun broil hair is very hotly is wrapped cool. Dark, bird is less and less also, the damage that a string of bird left in the sky cries. The sun that worked one day also took off coverall, it is no longer in that way dazzling. The tender broadness that the sun that changes new clothes also changes is elegant, lovely. Tell the truth the sun can be met really choose color. The clothes that you see her wear is much more beautiful, red is blaze that one the most beautiful one color in the layer. Withered and yellow is squashy orange just was picked on the tree that orange is yellow. Foil in so beautiful color the cheek that issued arch to give a piece of peaceful. She seems to be being monitored by others same, stealthily move is moving pace, appear that kind is lightsome. Knowing at this moment is who is make a practical joke, in her that is high and scatter on luxuriant clothes went up prepared Chinese ink makes her dress becomes bit more full of stains or spots, ased if to throw one Jiao in wallow. Right now she is like a girl bashful and same, blush so that resemble squashy persimmon. Perhaps she feels embarrassed to used white gauze cloak to live then half face. Passed for ages, perhaps be she feels to be done so also of no help cowardly cowardly ground comes out to appear that kind is bashful. Then she thinks 36 plan -- go for the best thing to do, be smooth! Apparent its speed appears than a moment ago much faster, she is floating die of small blush Pang is in then later hilltop. The sky appears deserted. Again scan widely hopes horizon appeared again her form, hey! How be like two different people with foregoing the setting sun, move close to again look, it is the moon that Yin Guangshan shows so. Dark, appear soundless in that way all around.







The ocean ty exercises
E 戌 political reform
Cultural Revolution
Wang, Anne,'s stone political reform


⑧ 用英語介紹一個中國歷史事件,急用~~~!!!!!!!!!!!

The Long March (traditional Chinese: 長征; simplified Chinese: 長征; pinyin: Chángzhē) was a massive military retreat undertaken by the Red Armies of the Chinese Communist Party, the forerunner of the People's Liberation Army, to evade the pursuit of the Kuomintang (KMT or Chinese Nationalist Party) army. There was not one Long March, but several, as various Communist armies in the south escaped to the north and west. The most well known is the march from Jiangxi province which began in October 1934. The First Front Army of the Chinese Soviet Republic, led by an inexperienced military commission, was on the brink of complete annihilation by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek's troops in their stronghold in Jiangxi province. The Communists, under the eventual command of Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai, escaped in a circling retreat to the west and north, which reportedly traversed some 12,500 kilometers (8,000 miles) over 370 days.[1] The route passed through some of the most difficult terrain of western China by traveling west, then north, to Shaanxi.

⑨ 中國歷史上的志願事件 英文版




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