⑴ 中國歷史簡介英文版
As the symbol of the old-line Xian, Big Wild Goose Pagoda is a well-preserved ancient building and a holy place for Buddhists. It is located in the southern suburb of Xian City, about 4 kilometers (2.49 miles) from the downtown of the city. Standing in the Da Ci'en Temple complex, it attracts numerous visitors for its fame in the Buddhist religion, its simple but appealing style of construction, and its new square in front of the temple. It is rated as a National Key Cultural Relic Preserve as well as an AAAA Tourist Attraction.
This attraction can be divided into three parts: the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, the Da Ci'en Temple, and the North Square of Big Wild Goose Pagoda.
Big Wild Goose Pagoda
Originally built in 652 ring the reign of Emperor Gaozong of the Tang Dynasty (618-907), it functioned to collect Buddhist materials that were taken from India by the hierarch Xuanzang.
Xuanzang started off from Chang'an (the ancient Xian), along the Silk Road and through deserts, finally arriving in India, the cradle of Buddhism. Enring 17 years and traversing 100 countries, he obtained Buddha figures, 657 kinds of sutras, and several Buddha relics. Having gotten the permission of Emperor Gaozong (628-683), Xuanzang, as the first abbot of Da Ci'en Temple, supervised the building of a pagoda inside it. With the support of royalty, he asked 50 hierarchs into the temple to translate Sanskrit in sutras into Chinese, totaling 1,335 volumes, which heralded a new era in the history of translation. Based on the journey to India, he also wrote a book entitled 'Pilgrimage to the West' in the Tang Dynasty, to which scholars attached great importance.
First built to a height of 60 meters (197 feet) with five stories, it is now 64.5 meters (211.6 feet) high with an additional two stories. It was said that after that addition came the saying-'Saving a life exceeds building a seven-storied pagoda'. Externally it looks like a square cone, simple but grand and it is a masterpiece of Buddhist construction. Built of brick, its structure is very firm. Inside the pagoda, stairs twist up so that visitors can climb and overlook the panorama of Xian City from the arch-shaped doors on four sides of each storey. On the walls are engraved fine statues of Buddha by the renowned artist Yan Liben of the Tang Dynasty. Steles by noted calligraphers also grace the pagoda.
As for the reason why it is called Big Wild Goose Pagoda, there is a legend. According to ancient stories of Buddhists, there were two branches, for one of which eating meat was not a taboo. One day, they couldn't find meat to buy. Upon seeing a group of big wild geese flying by, a monk said to himself: 'Today we have no meat. I hope the merciful Bodhisattva will give us some.' At that very moment, the leading wild goose broke its wings and fell to the ground. All the monks were startled and believed that Bodhisattva showed his spirit to order them to be more pious. They established a pagoda where the wild goose fell and stopped eating meat. Hence it got the name 'Big Wild Goose Pagoda'.
Da Ci'en Temple
Da Ci'en Temple is the home of Big Wild Goose Pagoda. In 648, to commemorate the dead virtuous queen, royalty ordered the building of a temple named 'Ci'en' (Mercy and Kindness), for which the status and scale far exceeded all others. Today, with an area of 32,314 square meters (38,648.5 square yards), one seventh of the original area, it still retains its grandeur.
Before the temple, there stands a statue of hierarch Xuanzang, the meritorious hierarch. Walking on and across a small bridge, visitors will see the gates of the temple. With guarding lions, the temple seems stately for lions were said to function as talismans.
Entering the temple you will see two buildings-Bell Tower in the east and Drum Tower in the west. Inside the Bell Tower hangs an iron bell 15 tons (14.76 gross tons) in weight. It was molded in 1548 in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Along the central axis are arranged the Hall of Mahavira, Sermon Hall, Big Wild Goose Pagoda, and the Hall of Xuanzang Sanzang. In the Hall of Mahavira are three carved statues of Sakyamuni, and 18 arhats as well as Xuanzang. The Sermon Hall is where Buddhist disciples would listen to a sermon. A bronze statue of Amitabha is dedicated and a Buddha statue is collected by Xuanzang as oblation. The Hall of Xuanzang Sanzang is north of Big Wild Goose Pagoda. In this hall are Xuanzang's relic and a bronze statue of a seated Xuanzang. The inner wall is chiseled with murals depicting this hierarch's story. Renowned as the contemporary Dunhuang Buddhist storehouse praised by UNESCO, it is the biggest memorial of Xuanzang.
North Square of Big Wild Goose Pagoda
Surrounding Big Wild Goose Pagoda, the scenery is also quite charming, especially the square north of the Da Ci'en Temple. Covering about 110,000 square meters (131563 square yards) plus 20,000 square meters (23920.6 square yards) of water area, it holds many records: in Asia, it is the biggest Tang-culture square, the biggest fountain and waterscape square, and the largest-scale sculptures area. In the world, it has the most benches, the longest light-belt, and the largest-scale acoustic complex.
The entire square is composed of waterscape fountains, a cultural square, gardens and tourist paths. There you can taste real Chinese culture and traditions and fully enjoy the truly attractive views. With reliefs on the theme of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, 200-meter-long (656-foot-long) sculpture groups, 8 groups of sculpted figures, 40 relievos on the land, and 22 styles of musical fountains, it has become a must-see when you visit Big Wild Goose Pagoda.
⑵ 用英語介紹中國歷史
The history of China is nearly 4100 years from the Xia Dynasty and 2241 years from the Qin Dynasty, the first unified dynasty in China.
史前時期的有巢氏 、燧人氏 、伏羲氏 、神農氏(炎帝) 、黃帝(軒轅氏) 被尊為中華人文始祖 。約公元前2070年,夏朝出現;商朝時出現了已知中國最早的成熟文字—甲骨文;西周時社會進一步發展,春秋戰國時生產力提高,思想百家爭鳴。
In prehistoric times, Youchao, Suiren, Fuxi, Shennong (Yandi) and Huangdi (Xuanyuan) were regarded as the ancestors of Chinese culture. In 2070 BC, Xia Dynasty appeared; in Shang Dynasty, oracle bone inscriptions, the earliest mature writing in China,
appeared; in Western Zhou Dynasty, society developed further, proctivity increased in spring and Autumn period and Warring States period, and a hundred schools of thought contend.
In 221 B.C., Qin Shihuang established the first centralized feudal state in Chinese history Qin Dynasty; the western and Eastern Han Dynasties further consolidated and developed the situation of great unification, and the Chinese characters were basically shaped.
During the Three Kingdoms, the Jin Dynasty, the southern and Northern Dynasties, China entered a situation of separatist regime.
During the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties, economic prosperity, scientific and Technological Development and cultural influence were widespread. During the Wuzhou period, the international status reached its peak because of the construction of "the great Zhou Wanguo praises the virtue of Tianshu".
In the period of Liao, song, Xia, Jin and Yuan Dynasties, multi-cultural integration, economy, science and technology developed to a new height. In the Ming Dynasty, the economy developed, and "capitalist sprouts" appeared in Jiangnan area in the late Ming Dynasty; in the early Qing Dynasty, China's territory today was established.
⑶ 中國歷史上某個10年的英文介紹
⑷ 中國的英文簡介
中國使用「China」這個英文名稱始於1912年,可是西方人在兩千多年前就已經認知這個東亞國家的名稱了。據有關專家經過多年的探索和考證,中國的英文名稱「China」一詞的詞源,最早來源於公元前10世紀(有的學者提出是公元前5世紀和公元前15 世紀)的印度史詩《摩訶婆羅多》和《羅摩衍那》中出現的「Cina」一詞;在公元前4世紀的古印度喬胝厘耶的《政事論》中,也曾提到過「Cina」;公元前5到4世紀的波斯贊美弗爾瓦丁神的詩中也曾出現過「Cina」;《舊約全書》中也有關於「Sinoa 」的記述。
《美國遺產大詞典》的解釋是,「China」一詞與公元前三世紀的秦朝有關,「China」是秦國的「秦」的譯音,這一觀點首先是羅馬傳教士衛匡國(Martini, Martin)在1655年最早提出來的。
據記載,在公元前五世紀,東方的絲綢已成為希臘上層社會喜愛的衣料,因此,有學者認為「Cina」一詞由來於絲綢的「絲」,其依據是希臘史學家克特西亞斯(Ctesias)在他的著作中提到了賽里斯人(Serica),由此認為「賽里斯」是由「Cin a」轉變而來。持這一觀點的學者是成都理工大學劉興詩教授和上海東華大學教授周啟澄先生。劉興詩教授曾在論文《CHINA釋義新探》中不僅提出, 「China」一詞源於絲綢,還認為:古時西土各國認定的「Cina」所在正是古蜀國,即今天的成都地區。「絲 國」並非指今日中國的全境。
重慶師范大學黃中模教授對於「Cina」的考證認為,「支那」可能為古苗語。古印度通過南絲綢之路與三苗文化盛行的中國南方關系密切,史詩里的「支那」 也是泛指古中國,這也是三苗文化在異域的表現。他表示,現今流傳在苗族中「吉那」、「子臘」不僅與「 支那」同音,在含意里也有「水田之鄉」之意。
文化人類學家、民俗學家林河先生認為,印度梵語中的Cina,指的就是中國南方的粳稻民族,是「粳」的譯音。印度東部的阿薩姆邦等地區,住有中國南方的粳稻民族, 種粳稻的民族自稱為Cina (粳),因此,阿薩姆邦等地區的粳民也自稱為「粳」,印度人就是依照粳民族的語言稱他們為Cina(粳)了。
關於賽里斯國的絲綢在西方的許多文獻中有許多記載,如在《希臘拉丁作家遠東古文獻輯錄》 ([法]戈岱司編耿?譯)一書中,囊括了從公元前四世紀到公元十四世紀期間九十多部希臘文和拉丁文著作中關於塞里斯國的記述。希臘史學家克特西亞斯(Ctesias)在公元前四世紀就提到的賽里斯國(Serica)。專家們認為,由Serica演化出來英語的錫爾克(si lk)、俄語的旭爾克,均來源於中國「絲」字的諧音,是這些國家對絲綢的稱呼。但在印度梵文中記錄中國的名稱是「Cina」,而由此衍生出的英文是 「China」,波斯文是「Chin」,阿拉伯文是「Sina」,拉丁文是「Sinae,」 法文是「Chine」,德文是 「China」,義大利文是「Cina」,俄文的「中國」名稱是根據公元九世紀的遼國「契丹」(KITAN ,kitai)的音譯得來的。很明顯,在許多歷史文獻的記述里,那個生產絲綢和販賣絲綢的賽里斯國(Serica)和古印度梵文中的「Cina」,代表的並不是同一個概念,所指的並不是同一個國家或地區,也就是說,「Cina」與「絲」並無關系。
我們可以肯定地說,「Cina」指的是東方的一個國家或者是一個社會集團,但是這個名稱在當時所指的具體是哪一個區域、哪一個人類族體、其含義究竟是什麼,現有的各種學說都不足以令人信服。我認為,古代中國的商、周版圖遠沒有今天中國的版圖這么遼闊,商、周對西方的影響遠沒有今天的中國對世界的影響這樣宏大,在東亞遼闊的土地上除商、周以外,那些被商、周稱為「東夷」、「北狄」、「西戎」、「南蠻」 (自《禮記曲禮》)的族體則占據著東亞更廣袤的土地。因此,我們無論是在探討「Cina」的來歷還是其含 義的時候,不能把視線僅限於商、周的區域。
戎狄是匈奴的前身。《呂氏春秋審為篇》說:「狄人、獫狁,今日匈奴。」《晉書北狄傳》也以為「匈奴之類,總謂之北狄。……夏曰獯鬻,殷曰鬼方,周曰獫狁,漢曰匈奴。」 在《魏書蠕蠕匈奴徒何高車列傳》中記述:「高車,蓋古赤狄之餘種也。初號為狄歷,北方以為高車、丁零。其語略與匈奴同而時有小異。」《周書突厥傳》雲: 「突厥,大抵與匈奴同俗。」《隋書鐵勒傳》雲:「其俗大抵與突厥同。」馬長壽著《北狄與匈奴》雲:「匈奴語言上的通則與蒙古語言上的通則,不相違背。」 「匈奴、突厥、鐵勒之俗又與蒙古同。突厥語中蒙古語成分的比重相當大。近代學者一致承認柔然使用的語言是蒙古語。柔然的部族皆高車,蒙古又是鐵勒中土拉河北的部族。這樣,從狄歷、丁零、鐵勒、高車、柔然、突厥到蒙古,世代相接,世系相銜,是為一脈相聯也( 《蒙古族族源考》蘇日巴達拉哈)。「中國北方諸族之裔呈通古斯、蒙古、突厥三大語族並存的局面,是上古語言生態融合而成的較為簡單的表象。以匈奴之龐大,其語言和血緣必然混雜;說它是一個多血緣多語言的部落聯盟,或許更為恰當。……總的來看,它的人種和語言已經接近後世蒙古民族的形態;又由於通古斯部落是它的統治集團,其核心部落的語言可能更偏向於通古斯語。」(《奴的血緣和出逃路線》--朱學淵)這無疑證明了古代戎狄與匈奴、高車、蒙古之間的語言傳承關系。因此,古代的戎狄或他的先人正是操著蒙古語,或大部分操著蒙古語的一個龐大的社會集團,因此, 「Cina」一詞的含義應該能夠在今天的蒙古語中得到相應的解釋。在蒙古語中,[ ]的讀音可謂與「Cina」非常相象,讀做「赤那」,意思為「狼」。
《魏書·蠕蠕匈奴徒何高車列傳》中記述:「俗雲:匈奴單於生二女,姿容甚美,國人皆以為神。單於曰:『吾有此女,安可配人?將以與天。』乃於國北無人之地築高台,置二女其上曰:『請天自迎之。』經三年,其母欲迎之。單於曰:『不可,未徹之間耳。』復一年,乃有一老狼,晝夜守台嗥呼,因穿台下為空穴,經時不去。其小女曰:『吾父處我於此,欲以與天,而今狼來,或是神物,無使之然。』將下就之。其姊夫驚曰:『此是畜生,無乃辱父母?』妹不從,下為狼妻而產子。後遂滋繁成國。故其人好引聲長歌,又似狼嗥。」 這是一個典型的族源說的例子。
《魏書·列傳第四十九》記載,「突厥之先,平涼雜胡也,姓阿史那氏。後魏太武滅沮渠氏,阿史那以五百家奔茹茹(「茹茹」也稱為「柔然」),世居金山,工於鐵作。金山狀如兜鍪,俗呼兜鍪為『突厥』,因以為號。或雲,其先國於西海之上,為鄰國所滅,男女無少長盡殺之。至一?,不忍殺,刖足斷臂,棄於大澤中。有一牝狼,每銜肉至其所,此?因食之,得以不死。其後遂與狼交,狼有孕焉。彼鄰國者,復令人殺此,而狼在其側。使者將殺之,其狼若為神所憑,?然至於海東,止於山上。其山在高昌西北,下有洞穴,狼入其中,遇得平壤茂草,地方二百餘里。其後狼生十男,其一姓阿史那氏,最賢,遂為君長,故牙門建狼頭纛,示不忘本也。」此記載中的「阿史那」就是「赤那」,「狼頭纛」就是狼頭旗。唐朝的王涯在其詩中就寫到:「旌甲從軍久,風雲識陣難。今朝韓信計,日下斬成安。燕頷多奇相,狼頭敢犯邊。寄言班定遠,正是立功年。」這里的「狼頭」指的正是打著狼頭徽號戰旗的北方游牧民族。 31976希望對你有幫助!
⑸ 關於中國歷史的英語短文(演講用)
uch stories set us thinking, wondering what
⑹ 用英文介紹中國的歷史文化(有中文翻譯)
The Chinese people, in their drinking of tea, place much significance on the act of "savoring." "Savoring tea" is not only a way to discern good tea from mediocre tea, but also how people take delight in their reverie and in tea-drinking itself. Snatching a bit of leisure from a busy schele, making a kettle of strong tea, securing a serene space, and serving and drinking tea by yourself can help banish fatigue and frustration, improve your thinking ability and inspire you with enthusiasm. You may also imbibe it slowly in small sips to appreciate the subtle allure of tea-drinking, until your spirits soar up and up into a sublime aesthetic realm. Buildings, gardens, ornaments and tea sets are the elements that form the ambience for savoring tea. A tranquil, refreshing, comfortable and neat locale is certainly desirable for drinking tea. Chinese gardens are well known in the world and beautiful Chinese landscapes are too numerous to count. Teahouses tucked away in gardens and nestled beside the natural beauty of mountains and rivers are enchanting places of repose for people to rest and recreate themselves.
China is a country with a time-honored civilization and a land of ceremony and decorum. Whenever guests visit, it is necessary to make and serve tea to them. Before serving tea, you may ask them for their preferences as to what kind of tea they fancy and serve them the tea in the most appropriate teacups. In the course of serving tea, the host should take careful note of how much water is remaining in the cups and in the kettle. Usually, if the tea is made in a teacup, boiling water should be added after half of the cup has been consumed; and thus the cup is kept filled so that the tea retains the same bouquet and remains pleasantly warm throughout the entire course of tea-drinking. Snacks, sweets and other dishes may be served at tea time to complement the fragrance of the tea and to allay one's hunger.
中國人飲茶, 注重一個"品"字。"品茶"不但是鑒別茶的優劣,也帶有神思遐想和領略飲茶情趣之意。在百忙之中泡上一壺濃茶,擇雅靜之處,自斟自飲,可以消除疲勞、滌煩益思、振奮精神,也可以細啜慢飲,達到美的享受,使精神世界升華到高尚的藝術境界。品茶的環境一般由建築物、園林、擺設、茶具等因素組成。飲茶要求安靜、清新、舒適、干凈。中國園林世界聞名,山水風景更是不可勝數。利用園林或自然山水間,搭設茶室,讓人們小憩,意趣盎然。
⑺ 用英文介紹中國歷史人物
孔子對後世影響深遠,他在世時已被譽為「天縱之聖」、「天之木鐸」、「千古聖人」,是當時社會上最博學者之一,並且被後世尊為至聖(聖人之中的聖人)、萬世師表。曾修《詩》、《書》,定《禮》 、《樂》,序《周易》,作《春秋》。孔子的思想及儒家學說對後世產生了極其深遠的影響。
⑻ 中國古代名人的英文介紹
Lisi (284 BC - 208 BC), a native of Shangcai, Runan (now Lislou Village, Lugang Township, Shangcai County, Henan Province). Famous politicians, writers and calligraphers in Qin Dynasty.
李斯早年為郡小吏,師從荀子學習帝王之術。學成之後,入秦為官 ,丞相呂不韋以為郎官。
In his early years, Li Si was a small official in the county. He learned the art of emperor from Xunzi. After learning it, he became an official in Qin Dynasty, and his prime minister, Lv Buwei, regarded him as a Lang Guan.
Cai Yong (133-192), Bo Zhe. Chen Liujun Meixian (now Qixian South of Henan Province) people. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cai Wenji, a famous minister, writer and calligrapher, was the father of a gifted girl.
After Dong Zhuo was slaughtered, Cai Yong was imprisoned for sighing at Wang Yunzuo. He soon died in prison at the age of sixty.
Wang Xi (303-361, 321-379), a calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, was known as the "Book Sage".
His calligraphy is good at Li, Cao, Kai and Xing, studying body posture carefully, imitating and pursuing hand by hand, widely collecting all the advantages, preparing all kinds of body, melting into one furnace, getting rid of the style of writing in Han and Wei Dynasties, and becoming a family of its own with far-reaching influence.
Su Shi (January 8, 1037, December 19, 1036 - August 24, 1101) is a famous writer, calligrapher and painter of the Northern Song Dynasty.
Confucius (September 28, 551 BC - April 11, 479 BC), Zi's surname, Confucius, Mingqiu, Zhongni, a member of Luguo Haoyi (now Qufu, Shandong Province) in the late Spring and Autumn Period, was born in Liyi, Song Dynasty (now Xiayi, Henan Province), an ancient thinker, ecator and founder of Confucianism.
⑼ 英語介紹 世界歷史/中國歷史
History of China
The recorded history of China began in the 15th century BC when the Shang Dynasty started to use markings that evolved into the present Chinese characters. Turtle shells with markings reminiscent of ancient Chinese writing from the Shang Dynasty have been carbon dated to as early as 1500 BC.[1] Chinese civilization originated with city-states in the Yellow River (Huang He) valley. 221 BC is commonly accepted to be the year in which China became unified under a large kingdom or empire. In that year, Qin Shi Huang first united China. Successive dynasties in Chinese history developed bureaucratic systems that enabled the Emperor of China to control increasingly larger territory that reached maximum under the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty and Manchurian Qing Dynasty.
The conventional view of Chinese history is that of a country alternating between periods of political unity and disunity and occasionally becoming dominated by foreign peoples, most of whom were assimilated into the Han Chinese population. Cultural and political influences from many parts of Asia, carried by successive waves of immigration, expansion, and assimilation, merged to create the Chinese culture.
Ancient history is the study of the written past from the beginning of human history until the Early Middle Ages[1] in Europe, the Qin Dynasty in China, the Chola Empire in India, and some less defined point in the rest of the world (for example, in the Americas). (The period following antiquity is the Imperial era in China and the period of the Middle Kingdoms in India; one might consider the end of antiquity in the Americas to be the start of the colonization of the Americas.) The goal of the modern day critical ancient historian is objectivity. The term classical antiquity is often used to refer to ancient history since the beginning of recorded Greek history in about 776 BC (First Olympiad). This coincides, roughly, with the traditional date of the founding of Rome in 753 BC, the beginning of the history of ancient Rome.
Although the ending date of ancient history is disputed, currently most Western scholars use the fall of the Western Roman Empire in AD 476, the death of the emperor Justinian I or the coming of Islam in 632 as the end of ancient European history. The span of recorded history is roughly 5,000 – 5,500 years, with Sumerian cuneiform being the oldest form of writing discovered so far. This is the beginning of history by the definition used by most historians.
⑽ 中國歷史英文介紹(有翻譯)