『壹』 在世界歷史上用英語怎麼說
In the world history.
『貳』 求一篇關於世界歷史的介紹----英文的~~!!
One hour long, the test consists of 95 multiple-choice questions, covering the entire history of the world, from ancient times to the present, including all inhabitable continents. It also covers all historical fields: political and diplomat intellectual and cultural, and social and economic.
Chronological Material
Pre-history and Civilizations to the year 500 Common Era (C.E.) 25%
500 to 1500 C.E. 20%
1500-1900 C.E. 25%
Post-1900 C.E. 20%
Cross-chronological 10%
Geographical Material Covered Approximate
Europe 25%
Africa 10%
Southwest Asia 10%
South and Southeast Asia 10%
East Asia 10%
The Americas (excluding the United States) 10%
Global or Comparative 25 %
『叄』 世界歷史的英文
world history
『肆』 世界歷史里出現的英文單詞
世界史英語單詞 中世紀史重要單詞
Abdic退位,遜位 Aborigine 土著,土人 Accession,就就任職 Accord,協議,條約 Activeservice,戰時服役 Adherent ,擁護著 Archdiocese,大主教區 Alderman ,真主 Allah,結盟的 Anglo-saxon,撒克遜人 Annals,編年史 Anti-christ,敵基督 Anti-semitism,反猶太主義 Arabian,阿拉伯的 Britain,不列顛 Bacon,培根 Balkan,巴爾干半島的人 Baltic,波羅地海的人 Bc,公元前 Constantine,君士坦丁 Church and state alism not a unifield leadership,教會和國家二元結構 Conquistador,西班牙征服者 Charles,查理五世 Chrysostom,克利芬斯托,基督教神學院 Commonwealth,共和國 Co-religionists,信仰同樣宗教的人 Convention parliament英國代表國會 Commune公社 Emancipationist解放主義者 Emancipation解放的 Ambassador大使 Embassy大使館 Embattle整軍備戰 Embourgeoisement資產階級化 Emigration policy移民政策 Emperor 皇帝,君主 Emphyteuta永久佃戶 Empire帝國,帝權 Empire-building領土擴張 Empiriocriticism經驗批評主義 Empiriomonism經驗一元論 Empirism經驗論 expanded reproction擴大再生產 experimentalist實驗主義者 expansionist領土擴張輪著 expansionary policy經濟擴張政策 Exective yuan行政院 Executive council參政會議 Han-sard 英國議會議事錄 Hea-then-ish異教徒 Religious freedom 宗教自由 Renolution 革命 Rural Cooperative Medical Renaissance 文藝復興 Romanticism 浪漫主義 Race 種族 Religion 宗教 Reformation 宗教改革 Ritual 禮儀 Rome 羅馬 Pacifism和平主義,不抵抗主義 Padishah君主,國王,王,伊朗國王 Pagan異教徒,非基督教徒 Papacy 羅馬教皇的職位,羅馬天主教會制度 Papal羅馬教皇的,羅馬教皇職位的 Papist羅馬天主教徒 Parish 教區 Parliament議會,國會 Parliamentary議會的,國會的,議會政治的 Parliamentarism 議會制度,議會主義 Patriot愛國者,愛國主義者 Persecute 指政治,宗教信仰的迫害,殘害。 Pietism 虔信派,虔信主義 Pilgrimage 朝聖,朝覲 Postwar 戰後的 Potentate有權勢的人,當權者,通知者,君主 Prerogative特權,君權 President總統,長官 Prole無產者 Proletarian無產者,無產階級 Proletarinism無產者的地位,無產階級性 Proletarianize使無產階級化 Principate最高權力 ,公國,首領 ,王侯 queen elizabeth伊利莎白女王
中世紀Medi Period 商業革命Commercial Revolution 殖民主義colonialism 奴隸貿易slave trade 文藝復興Renaissance 人文主義humanism 宗教改革The Reformation 圈地運動enclosure movement 都鐸王朝House of Tudor 英國國教the Anglican Church 清教徒Puritan 光榮革命Glorious Revolution 權利法案Bill of Rights 君主立憲制Constitutional Monarchy 重商主義mercantilism 凡爾賽宮The Palace of Versailles 開明專制enlightened despotism 英國東印度公司British East India Company 航海條例Navigation Acts 七年戰爭Seven Years』War 啟蒙運動Enlightenment 網路全書派Encyclopedists 第三等級the Third Estate 三級會議the Estate-General 國民議會National Assembly 制憲議會Constituent Assembly 巴士底獄the Bastille 法國大革命French Revolution 人權宣言Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen 熱月政變Thermidorian Reaction 霧月政變Coup d』 Etat of Brumaire 拿破崙Napoleon Bonaparte 執政府the Consulate 法蘭西第一帝國the First French Empire 拿破崙法典the Code Napoleon 滑鐵盧戰役Battle of Waterloo 大陸會議The Continental Congress 獨立宣言Declaration of Independence 工業革命Instrial Revolution 十字軍The Crusades 民族大遷徙great migrations of Tribes 封建主義Feudalism 資本主義Capitalism 資產階級Bourgeoisie 原始積累primitive accumulation 農奴制Serfdom 農奴Serf 教皇Pope 異端Heresy 拜占庭Byzantium 伊斯蘭教Islamism 基督教Christianity 基督教會the Protestant churches 經院哲學scholasticism 印度教Hinism 大化改新Taika Era reforms 文藝復興 Renaissance 人文主義humanism 宗教改革The Reformation 地理大發現the great discoveries of geography 殖民主義colonialism 庄園demesne 行會guild 采邑feoff 分封enfeoffment 革命 revolution 領主Lord 封建主Feudal lord 手工業handicraft instry 自治autonomy 貴族aristocrat,nobleman 百年戰爭Hundred Years' War 農民起義a peasant uprising 起義uprising 原始公社制Primitive communal system 君主專制an autocratic monarchy; an absolute monarchy 君主立憲制constitutional monarchy 階級斗爭the class struggle 社會階層social stratification 土地制度land institution 幕府shogunate 將軍shogun 日本武士samurai
『伍』 我要世界歷史名人的中英文名字,越多越好
凱撒 Caesar
荷馬 Homeros
柏拉圖 Platon
亞里士多德 Aristoteles
培根 Bacon
莎士比亞 Shakespeare
薩克雷 Thackeray
狄更斯 Dickens
歌德 Goehte
盧梭 Loescher
巴爾扎克 Balzac
大仲馬 Dumas
雨果 Hugo
喬治桑 George Sand
波德萊爾 Baudelaire
福樓拜 Flaubert
左拉 Zola
莫泊桑 Maupassant
霍夫曼 Hoffman
施托姆 Storm
海澤 Heysen
尼采 Nietz
倫茨 Lenz
弗里施 Frisch
迪倫馬特 Durrenm
哈謝克 Hasek
米沃什 Milosz
西默農 Simenon
艾略特 Eliot
王爾德 Wilder
奧威爾 Orwell
格雷厄姆?格林 Graham Greene
威爾遜 Wilson
默多克 Murdoch
艾米斯 Amis
梭羅 Thoreau
狄更生 Dickinson
馬克·吐溫 Mark Twain
歐·亨利 O'Henry
傑克·倫敦 Jack London
龐德 Pound
奧尼爾 O'Neill
福克納 Faulkner
海明威 Hemingway
海勒 Heller
厄普代克 Updike
羅斯 Roth
博爾赫斯 Borges
羅瓦·阿特金森 Rowan Atkinson
布里吉特·巴多特 Brigitte Bardot
迪恩·凱恩 Dean Cain
朱爾·柯恩 Joel Coen
弗朗利斯·福特·柯博拉 Francis Ford Coppola
邁克爾·克瑞奇頓 Michael Crichton
多諾斯·德爾·羅伊 Dolores Del Rio
本尼休·德·托羅 Benicio Del Toro
居里 Curie
古騰堡(Johannes, 1400-1468, 德國活版印刷發明人)
斯大林 Stalin
黑格爾 Hegel
尼采 Nietzsche
曼德拉 Mandela
畢加索 Picasso 《格爾尼卡》(Guernica
『陸』 世界歷史 成英文
World History
『柒』 求一些外文歷史網站,就像世界歷史那種,要英文網站。謝謝
據我所知,很多外文網站都是收費的,免費的應該很少,如果你想看關於世界歷史的英文版本,我可以推薦你一本書《Voyages in World History》。
『捌』 《世界歷史文化》用英文怎麼說
the history and culture of the world
『玖』 世界歷史的英語怎麼寫
history world
『拾』 英語介紹 世界歷史/中國歷史
History of China
The recorded history of China began in the 15th century BC when the Shang Dynasty started to use markings that evolved into the present Chinese characters. Turtle shells with markings reminiscent of ancient Chinese writing from the Shang Dynasty have been carbon dated to as early as 1500 BC.[1] Chinese civilization originated with city-states in the Yellow River (Huang He) valley. 221 BC is commonly accepted to be the year in which China became unified under a large kingdom or empire. In that year, Qin Shi Huang first united China. Successive dynasties in Chinese history developed bureaucratic systems that enabled the Emperor of China to control increasingly larger territory that reached maximum under the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty and Manchurian Qing Dynasty.
The conventional view of Chinese history is that of a country alternating between periods of political unity and disunity and occasionally becoming dominated by foreign peoples, most of whom were assimilated into the Han Chinese population. Cultural and political influences from many parts of Asia, carried by successive waves of immigration, expansion, and assimilation, merged to create the Chinese culture.
Ancient history is the study of the written past from the beginning of human history until the Early Middle Ages[1] in Europe, the Qin Dynasty in China, the Chola Empire in India, and some less defined point in the rest of the world (for example, in the Americas). (The period following antiquity is the Imperial era in China and the period of the Middle Kingdoms in India; one might consider the end of antiquity in the Americas to be the start of the colonization of the Americas.) The goal of the modern day critical ancient historian is objectivity. The term classical antiquity is often used to refer to ancient history since the beginning of recorded Greek history in about 776 BC (First Olympiad). This coincides, roughly, with the traditional date of the founding of Rome in 753 BC, the beginning of the history of ancient Rome.
Although the ending date of ancient history is disputed, currently most Western scholars use the fall of the Western Roman Empire in AD 476, the death of the emperor Justinian I or the coming of Islam in 632 as the end of ancient European history. The span of recorded history is roughly 5,000 – 5,500 years, with Sumerian cuneiform being the oldest form of writing discovered so far. This is the beginning of history by the definition used by most historians.