1. 世界歷史演講
2. 中外演講發展的歷史
演講的藝術演講發展史一、西方演講發展史 1、萌芽階段 2、形成階段 3、發展階段 4、繁榮階段
3. 中國的歷史和發展英文演講稿
China is the world's one of the earliest cradle of civilization, legend in BC 4600 years before there is the emergence of the state system (currently the earliest archeological evidence shows that China appeared to BC 3700 years ago at the latest state system), with three thousand years of written history. Chinese traditionally said China has "five thousand years of civilization" (the word "civilization" is ambiguous), but was based on historical data on the history of science, historic China only three thousand years by the world recognized. Today confirmed that the birthplace of Chinese civilization in the east of the Yellow River basin. About in the 5th century BC, the central plains area of huaxia tribes graally into the feudal society. Around the 2nd century BC, China has become a unified multi-ethnic centralized monarchy country, and has rich cultural classics. To the first century or so, China has become one of the most developed country in the world. Historically, China has a few brilliant period, including the han, sui and tang dynasties, the Ming dynasty. China reached its peak in the 13th century, became the world's most prosperous culture and trade center. With the compass, papermaking, printing, gunpowder and clock, led many inventions in the history of the world and makes a significant contribution to the development of science and technology, and has developed agriculture and the handicraft instry.
In ancient China, the national unity sometimes, sometimes, the meaning of the word China in different time is different also, just refers to the national unification period, roughly divides more refers to the central plains. As the territory of the emperor rule changes, including the scope of China also vary accordingly. The name "China" in the western zhou dynasty Zhou Wuwang period means "central kingdom". According to legend, 3000 years ago, ke of zhou in the activation of (today henan dengfeng) with zorzi, measure it, measured the summer solstice this day noon, eight feet of the table in the surrounding scenery are no shadow, then think this is the center of the earth, so the zhou dynasty of China.
After the han dynasty, although some foreign regime was founded after the invasion of the central plains also claim to be "Chinese", but does not mean they are the Chinese regime. Because they are the self-styled "China" usually refers to the geographical concept of the "central plains" rather than a national sense of "China". Even if a regime claiming the Chinese regime in history, also is not necessarily mean it really is the Chinese regime. According to historical records, the Japanese also often claim to be "Chinese", "Chinese", "China" and "shenzhou" and so on. Such as the end of world war ii, Japanese emperor in "all war rescript" Japan also known as the "shenzhou". But Japan and China is obviously the two countries. To judge whether a regime in the history of the Chinese regime, basically see its relationship with the previous regime of China, instead, is in the form of domestic regime change or in a foreign conqueror gesture to conquer and subversive.
China is not purely a geographical concept, but also a national and cultural concept. Chinese is han Chinese and Chinese civilization as the main body of the country. There have been against outside invasion, the ancient Chinese to defend their homes glorious tradition, once has the barbarian invasion, will brave resistance, will never allow foreign invaders usurp the orthodox position. From huo qubing's "the huns has not out, how to", to yue fei tohave "loyalty", all prove the glorious tradition. Evaluation of guanzhong in analects of Confucius said: "its PiFaZuoRen yi guanzhong, me!" (no guanzhong, huaxia was overrun by foreign). "PiFaZuoRen" is the antonym of "hairdo YouRen", also is the han Chinese style clothing, is the sign of the han Chinese and Chinese culture. Visible, Confucius is the han Chinese and Chinese culture as the orthodox, not foreign to replace the Chinese orthodoxy. So-called "yi DE into China, then China", "yi DE in China" here refers to the naturalization, inside China, never is a foreign conqueror gesture to conquer China.
Confucian gu yanwu because of the large pronounced ching, put forward the "subscribe" and "wu". National subjugation, and die, "he said. Of subjugation and wu xi bian world? Yue: surname GaiHao easily, of subjugation; righteousness overload and as to the tyranny of government, people will eat," the death of the world ". Here "or" is the modern sense of the regime's demise, "wu world" is the destruction of their national states of modern sense. Historians Gu Cheng Sir In the south Ming writes: the first chapter first quarter in the han officials view, dashun regime instead of just "easy family name GaiHao" the Ming dynasty, struggling to survive is the imperial clan, Mr. Dynasty royalty, hereditary asa I like "carnivore" thing, with the general officials ShiMin no matter; And manchu noblemen in principle is "PiFaZuoRen" shave hair (restructuring), "wu world"; The rise and fall, fortunes, and should be fought. "
Starting from the late 15th century, the European powers started to rise and expansion east graally, China's advantage graally disappear. The outbreak of the opium war in 1840 marked a semi-colonial China forced into the western capitalist countries. Due to cultural and institutional cannot satisfy the requirement of the western powers savage, after encountering a series of military defeats and economic invasion, China was forced to cede territory on the Hong Kong, Taiwan, etc. In 1911 xinhai revolution ended two thousand years of east Asian autocratic monarchy, established the republic, but after China still suffering from wars at home and abroad.
In 1949 the founding of the People's Republic of China; Chinese people's heroic struggle through more than one hundred years, and finally overthrew the imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism, the rule of victory of the new-democratic revolution, the Chinese people have stood up from now on, became the owner of the country. The history of China has entered a new era.
4. 西方新聞史發展的三個階段
1. 封建集權制下的"官報時期" 資產階級革命以前的時期),基本的新聞政策為書報檢查制度。
2. 新聞自由條件下的"黨報時期" 資產階級革命以後幾十年到一百多年)。新聞政策的特點:在新聞自由大框架下,對報刊徵收知識稅(目的:欲禁於征)。
3."商業報刊時期" (英、美開始於19世紀中葉),黨報消失,完全的新聞自由政策。
5. 請你談談西方近現代歷史發展的邏輯是什麼
6. 演講學經歷了哪幾個歷史階段
殷商時期,盤庚為了將都城遷到殷,曾發表了3次演講,這些演講被記錄在中國最早的歷史學文獻《尚書》之中。盤庚的演講內容充實,言辭犀利,論證有力,成功地說服了臣民,成就了史上著名的「盤庚遷都」。而在《尚書*盤庚篇》中的《動員民眾遷都》也成為我國古代保存下來的較為完整的演講詞,距今已有3000多年的歷史。此外,《尚書》中還記載了先秦時代的《甘誓》、《湯誓》、《牧誓》 等好幾篇演講詞。
7. 我想知道歐洲歷史發展的詳細的過程,就是一個時期脈絡,越詳細越好,需要從史前文明開始,一直到現在的
8. 簡述西方文學的發展及其階段
9. 西方語言學史發展的幾個階段