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① 互聯網的起源


1968 年,美國國防部高級研究計劃局組建了一個計算機網,名為 ARPANET(英文 Advanced Research Projects Agency Network 的縮寫,又稱「阿帕」網)。

按央視的數據,新生的「阿帕」網獲得了國會批準的 520 萬美元的籌備金及兩億美元的項目總預算,是當年中國國家外匯儲備的 3 倍。



1969 年,「阿帕」網第一期投入使用,有 4 個節點,分別是加利福尼亞大學洛杉磯分校、加利福尼亞大學聖巴巴拉分校、斯坦福大學以及位於鹽湖城的猶它州州立大學。


一年後「阿帕」網擴大到 15 個節點。1973 年,「阿帕」網跨越大西洋利用衛星技術與英國、挪威實現連接,擴展到了世界范圍。


小故事互聯網發送的第一個信息是「L」和「O」1969 年 10 月 29 日晚上 10 點 30 分,克蘭羅克在洛杉磯向在斯坦福的比爾·杜瓦傳遞信息。

這是一個包含五個字母的單詞 Login,意思是「登錄」。在打入「Lo」後,系統死機了,儀表顯示傳輸系統突然崩潰,通信無法繼續進行,世界上第一次互聯網路的通信試驗僅僅傳送了兩個字母「Lo」。


1975 年,「阿帕」網由美國國防部通信處接管。在全球,已有大量新的網路出現,如計算機科學研究網路(Computer Science Research Network,CSNET)、加拿大網路(Canadian Network CDnet)、因時網)等。

1982 年中期「阿帕」網被停用過一段時間,直到 1983 年「阿帕」網被分成兩部分,即用於軍事和國防部門的軍事網(MILNET)以及用於民間的「阿帕」網版本。用於民間的「阿帕」網改名為互聯網。

在同一年,「阿帕」網的 TCP/IP 協議在眾多網路通信協議中最終勝出,成為我們至今共同遵循的網路傳輸控制協議。

TCP/IP(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)即傳輸控制協議 / 網際網路協議,又名網路通信協議,是 Internet 最基本的協議、Internet 國際互聯網路的基礎,由網路層的 IP 協議和傳輸層的 TCP 協議組成(來源於網路)。

TCP/IP 協議定義了電子設備如何連入網際網路,以及數據如何在它們之間傳輸。從此,全球的通信設施用上了同一種語言。

1991 年 8 月 6 日,蒂姆·伯納斯·李將萬維網項目簡介的文章貼上了 alt.hypertext 新聞組,通常我們認為這一天萬維網公共服務在互聯網上首次亮相。


中國用了近 7 年的時間真正接入互聯網。這七年標志性的事件包括:

——1988 年,中國科學院高能物理研究所採用 X.25 協議,使本單位的 DECnet 成為西歐中心 DECnet 的延伸,實現了計算機國際遠程聯網以及與歐洲和北美地區的電子郵件通信。

——1989 年 11 月,中關村地區教育與科研示範網路(簡稱 NCFC)正式啟動,由中國科學院主持,聯合北京大學、清華大學共同實施。

——1990 年 11 月 28 日,中國注冊了國際頂級域名 CN,在國際互聯網上有了自己的唯一標識。最初,該域名伺服器架設在卡爾斯魯厄大學計算機中心,直到 1994 年才移交給中國互聯網信息中心。

——1992 年 12 月,清華大學校園網(TUNET)建成並投入使用,是中國第一個採用 TCP/IP 體系結構的校園網。

——1993 年 3 月 2 日,中國科學院高能物理研究所接入美國斯坦福線性加速器中心(SLAC)的 64K 專線,正式開通中國連入 Internet 的第一根專線。

——1994 年 4 月 20 日,中國實現與互聯網的全功能連接,成為接入國際互聯網的第 77 個國家。



另一個推動 Internet發展的廣域網是NSF網,它最初是由美國國家科學基金會資助建設的,目的是連接全美的5個超級計算機中心,供100多所美國大學共享它們的資源。NSF網也採用TCP/IP協議,且與Internet 相連。




② 騰訊發展史英文對照介紹一下

1998年11月 公司成立,推出無線互聯網尋呼解決方案
1999年11月 QQ用戶注冊數突破萬
2000年4月 QQ用戶注冊數達500萬。
2002年3月 QQ注冊用戶數突破1億大關
2003年9月 QQ用戶注冊數升到2億
2004年4月 QQ注冊用戶數再創高峰,突破3億大關
2004年7月 位列「2003年度廣東省民營企業百強」第25位
2004年8月 QQ游戲同時在線突破了62萬人,躍居國內第一大休閑游戲門戶。
2004年12月 「2004年亞太區高科技500強」中騰訊名列第17位
2005年4月 騰訊公司獲「2004年度深圳市知識產權先進單位」稱號
2005年9月 2004年全國「私營企業納稅百強榜」中排名第30位

In 1998, the company was founded in November, introced a wireless Internet paging solution
In 1999 November QQ user registration number is broken through 1000000
In 2000 April QQ user registration number up to 5000000.
In 2002 March QQ registered user number to break through 100000000 close greatly
In 2003 September QQ user registration number rises to 200000000
In 2004 April QQ number of registered users to scale new heights, broke the 300000000 mark
In 2004 July in the "2003 annual Guangdong Province private enterprise hundred" twenty-fifth
In 2004 August QQ game online at the same time exceeded 620000, in the domestic first casual game portal.
In 2004 December the "2004 Asia Pacific high-tech 500" Tencent ranked seventeenth
Tencent 2001 to business growth in 2004 was as high as 1398%.
In February 16, 2005, Tencent QQ online at the same time the number for the first time exceeded 10000000, only 4 years to reach 100 times the growth.
2005 April Tencent Inc was the "2004 annual Shenzhen intellectual property is advanced unit" title
2005 September 2004 national "top 100 private enterprises" tax ranked thirtieth

③ 網路的起源 英文

【網路利大於弊】 1. we insisit that internet has more advantages than shortcomings. As we know, computer can do something we human being can not do .With the help of internet, we can finish the complex work.No wonder it become a part of our life and work.

point 2 .Internet makes world smaller.No matter where you come from, which language you speak, what colour you look like,how old you are, you can make friends through the internet.You can send E-mail to eachother to keep in touch.The company do business with computer, it is called E-commerce, it make a contribution to the development of world economy.

point3 .Let us move on. See the disadvantage over surf on line.First, it will hurt your eye and harm your health.Obviously, many children waste their time playing computer games, they are addicted into it, like using drugs.It is bad for their study.Many people are cheated on line, they are easy to believe in others, but ,it is a pity not all the people are Jesus.

point 4 .In a word, each coin has two sides.The internet benefit our life more, so , we hold the view that internet has more advantages than shortcomings.

④ 英語作文題目互聯網史世界變小120字

Can you use a computer Can you surf the Internet

I believe that your answer is "yes!'.As we all know ,most of us can use a computer to surf the Internet.And meanwhile it's very important to us , It is known that we can do lots of things through surfing the Internet.For example,students often surf the Internet to find masses of knowledge for their study , Via surfing the Internet,we can learn a lot and make great progress as well if the internet is made the best of .What's more, we can chat with our friends or family members.In the past,had we lived very far from our friends or family members, we could only write letters to them. However, it is well solved perfectly,because we can talk or see each other through internet..Above all, we can play games on weekends to relax ourselves.Of course we can do many other things on computers,too.In one word,Internet is really important in our life and change our life in every part of life.


⑤ 英語翻譯 網際網路誕生於20世紀,隨著信息技術的發展,它被賦予了新的生命。(bring new life to)

Internet was born in the 20th century,and with the development of information technology, it is brought new life.

⑥ 寫一篇關於以《英語和互聯網》為題目的英語作文

The Internet seems to have become an indispensable part in modern lire. This is because the Internet has a lor of advantages. To begin with, the Internet provides people with enormous amounts of information in a fraction of a second. With this easy access to the Internet, searching for information has become easier than ever before. Besides, the Internet changes the way people communicate with each other. E mail allows us to write to our friends and receive letters from our friends cheaply and instantly. Furthermore, the Internet has revolutionized business. E-commerce enables people to do business and go shopping at home easily and conveniently. Finally, the Internet plays an important role in mass ecation. However, the Internet also has some unfavorable aspects. Cyber crime causes a great loss in people's property. Computer viruses bring us lots of trouble. Trash mail is always a nuisance to everyone. Worst of all, pornography may corrupt people, especially young people. In a word, the Internet has both merits and demerits. But on the whole, it brings peop[e more benefits than harm. It is suggested that a clever use be made of this modern technique for the benefit of all people.


⑦ 英文短文翻譯 <The History Of The Internet>

翻譯:The internet was first built up in 1960s, when computers were huge and expensive and network was uneasy to operate. The whole network will stop working if one computer in it was broken.
At the beginning the internet was used only by the government. In the early 1970s, some universities, hospitals and banks were also allowed to use it.
In the beginning of 1990s, the computers became cheaper and easier to operate. Now using the internet is very convinient.
It is said that the number of people using the internet is more than several millions every single day, and sending an Email is also becoming popular. The internet has become a very important part of many people's lives.

⑧ 隨著社會的發展,互聯網應運而生用英語怎麼說

With the development of society, the Internet came into being

⑨ 隨著互聯網技術的發展和手機的普及用英語怎麼說啊

意思是With the development of Internet technology and the popularity of the mobile phones

⑩ 過去的五年見證了互聯網的迅速發展用英語怎麼說




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