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⑴ 電氣自動化的發展歷史

已經發到上述地址中了,希望對你又幫助!!!!!!! 英文翻譯後的內容如下: The development history of China Automation The development of automation in our history, the "Instrial Automation" professional and "control" the development of professional two main lines, where "instrial automation" professional from the first "instrial enterprises electrification" professional. 20th century 50's, when New China was established, undone, learning the Soviet system of higher ecation established breakdown in the professional. Thus, corresponding to the national instrial building automation and defense, military construction control, has established the "electrification of instrial enterprises" professional and "control" professional (at that time in many schools, "control" is a confidential professional professional). The former name after several professional evolution, and graally developed into "emphasis on the application of strong electric favor" of automation; while the latter maintain the professional name of "control" is essentially the same (in the early stage is also called "automatic learning and remote learning," , "Automatic Control System" professional), and graally developed into a "highly theoretical, emphasizing the weak" and automation, and came together in 1995, merged into a unified "automation" professional. In 1998, according to the latest Ministry of Ecation Undergraate professional catalog [5], after adjustment, the merger of the new "automated" professional not only includes the original "automatic" professional (including the "Instrial Automation" professional and " control "professional), also increased the" hydraulic transmission and control "professional (part)," Electric Technology "(in part) and" aircraft guidance and control "professional (part). Thus, a development history of China's automation is actually the history of higher ecation in New China, a microcosm of the new China is also a microcosm of the history of instrial development. Following the "Instrial Automation" professional development main line of this example, a detailed review of its development process in many professional name change (real change is a professional content) and its construction was closely related to our instry. First briefly review the professional division of the world and the history of China. We know that the professional division of the whole passage is from the 19th century, second half of the first half of the 20th century, stereotypes, and the engineering is basically based on instry (procts) for the object division, which is the image people known as the "instry of professional" or "trade association." Two major categories of current international ecation system, represented by British and American ecational system has not yet shaken off the "instry of professional" system, but has been taking the "liberal" ecation of the road; and former Soviet Union (Europe closer to the Soviet Union) to represent ecation system, is introced in a "professional" ecation, professional a very detailed, although many times from the reform, but to present "an instry professional," features are still very evident. 50's, when New China was established, the comprehensive study the Soviet Union, of that in the professional; reform and opening up, it graally to Anglo-American approach, represented by the ecation system, graally dilute the professional implementation of the "generalist" ecation through several specialized adjustment and merger (the total number of professionals from the peak of the 1343 kinds of graally recing the current 249 species), though not out of "an instry of professional" and "reputation", but many departments in colleges and universities, mostly only one of a series professional, rather than the more professional the past. Mentioned before, our automation from 1952, the first major adjustment of the national university, established the first professional - the professional instrial enterprises electrification. At that time, Soviet assistance to China to build 156 large instrial enterprises, need electrical automation engineering and technical personnel, and training of such professional and technical personnel, is found at that time and the subsequent construction of China's instrial needs. To 60 years, the professional name to "Instrial Electrical and Automation", the late 70s to resume enrollment Shiyou changed to "Instrial Electrical Automation" professional. This is not just the professional name change, but have deep meaning, and it reflects our instry from the "electrification" step by step to the "automation" into the history and development of that part of the real trend, reflecting the urgency of our automation expertise to countries needs, for the period of national economic construction services in the general direction and development of real history. In 1993, after four years of the Third National after the revision of the undergraate course catalog, the State Ecation Commission issued a call "a complete system, more scientific and rational, unified standard," the "University undergraate course catalog." To "Instrial Electrical Automation" and "process automation" are combined to form two professional electrician class "instrial automation" professional, by the Ministry of Machinery Instry was set up centralized management guidance Higher Ecation Sub-Committee of instrial automation, is responsible for the "Instrial Automation "professional teaching guidance; At the same time," Automatic Control "professional was attributable to the electronic information, by the then Ministry of Electronics Instry Automation Teaching Higher centralized management guidance points set up committee for the national" control " professional teaching guidance. After the professional adjustment, further defined the "Instrial Automation" professional and "control" professional "both strong and weak electricity, both hardware and software, control systems integrate theory and practice, for motion control, process control and control of other objects" common characteristics and aims, basically defined "instrial automation" professional emphasis on strong power, emphasizing the application of "control" professional emphasis on weak and biased towards the theory of professional characteristics and division of labor. In 1995, the State Ecation Commission issued the "(Higher Ecation) Bachelor of Engineering leading professional directory", the electrical class "instrial automation" professional electronic information and the original "Automatic Control" professional electronic information into a new category of "automatic" professional. As this is the leading professional directory, not mandatory, will add the "Instrial Automation" the strength of both the professional power "into the" professional class is weak electronic information is not concive to professional development, so many schools are still maintain the "Instrial Automation" professional and "control" professional coexist. Furthermore, since 1996, again commissioned by the Ministry of Ecation Ministry of Machinery Instry and other parts of the electronics instry set up a new term (ie, second) centralized management of the college teaching and guidance to sub-committee, making the leading professionals have not been effective implemented. In 1998, to meet the country's economic development needs of the adaptable talents cultivating, and further consolidation professional, and international "liberal" ecation converge, the state Department of Ecation released the latest by the Fourth Amendment "University undergraate course catalog." In the existing ones in the directory, the total number of professionals from the third revised substantially reced to 504 kinds of 249 species belonging to the original directory in Class strong professional electrician electric class and professional class are weak into strong electronic information One of the electrical information weak, while the original is electrical class "instrial automation" professional electronic information and belonging to the "control" professional formally merged with the "hydraulic transmission and control" professional (part), "Electrical Technology "(in part) and" Vehicle Guidance and Control "professional (part), to form the new (mandatory) are electrical information of the" automatic "professional. According to statistics, up to now more than 200 universities nationwide have established such "automatic" professional. If the automated name as part of their professional expertise (such as "Electrical Engineering and Automation", "Mechanical Design Automation," "Agricultural Mechanization and Automation" and other professional) include automation is no doubt that our the largest professional.

⑵ 電氣的發展史(第二次工業革命後)




⑶ 電氣科學與電氣工程的發展歷史給我們哪些啟發


⑷ 電氣工程與自動化的發展歷史

⑴17世紀的1600年初英國醫生吉爾伯特(W. Gilbert 1540~1603)所著的書中,對「電」進行了最早的論述,英語「E-lectric」一詞即起源於希臘語「Electrica」和拉丁語「Electrum」。
⑵隨後,英國人格雷(S. Gray,1696~1736)發現了電的導體和絕緣體,法國人杜菲(Charles Fay,1698-1739)可說是當時深入探討靜電現象的第一人,它由眾多的實驗中發現,幾乎所有的物質都可以摩擦生電,並且他更仔細地發現,所產生的電有兩種,帶有異種電者會互相吸引,帶有同種電者會互相排斥。
⑶18世紀美國人富蘭克林(B. Franklin,1760~1790)更是以他著名的「風箏實驗」證明的電在自然界中的存在。

⑸ 電氣應用的歷史發展


⑹ 為什麼學習電氣發展史

電氣發展史是一個以電氣科學與技術的演進、發展為研究對象的交叉學科,是電工學科的一個組成部分.電氣工程與自動化專業是一個多學科、綜合性新型專業 正因為電氣工程在國民經濟發展中極其重要的地位,早在上個世紀廿年代前後,國內外各著名高等學校就相繼建立了電機(氣)工程系(Dept. of Electrical Engineering),直到今天,幾乎所有的工科高等院校均設立了電氣工程學院(系)。傳統的電氣工程學科通常轄有電機與電器,電力系統,高電壓與絕緣技術,電力電子,以及電工理論與新技術等五個專業,部分高等學校,如重慶大學等,還結合國民經濟及本身學科發展的需要,開設了與其它產業密切結合的專業,如建築電氣與智能化專業等。隨著我國高校體制的改革,適應當今電氣科學技術發展趨勢,滿足國家經濟建設的需要,培養出寬口徑的、有著更廣闊電氣基礎理論水平的高級技術人才,部分高校將上述各專業合並,組建了現在的電氣工程與自動化專業,並在此統一專業下設立各專門化,以便保證培養的學生既能有寬廣的學科適應能力,又能突出一技之長。由此可見,當今的電氣工程與自動化已遠非過去計劃經濟時代的專業所比,它是一新型的綜合性學科專業。 另一方面,電氣科學發展至今,雖然電子技術、計算機技術、通訊技術和自動化技術都相繼成為獨立的學科和專業,但它們與電氣工程學科之間的歷史淵源,使得這些學科與電氣工程與自動化專業之間的學科交叉,遠非其他學科所能比擬,例如電機的控制,電力系統的穩定性分析,高電壓的在線監測技術,電力電子裝置,建築智能化技術,幾乎所有的電氣新技術都勢必涉及到大量電子技術、計算機及其網路通信技術,自動控制技術的一些相關知識,可以毫不誇張地說,當今的電氣工程與自動化專業是一個現代高科學技術綜合應用的、多學科交叉的、前沿科學專業,它給人以極大的研究興趣和廣闊的應用現實和前景。

⑺ 電氣科學與電氣工程的發展歷史給你哪些啟發


⑻ 電氣科學與電氣工程的發展歷史給我們哪些啟示




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